Silence is Soothing

26 3 1

Day 334

I sit in the car, studying the knife in my hands. I begin to recall the events that rolled out a day ago.
Gunner and I ran rapid around the school.
"Come on they have to be here!" I say, becoming more frantic at the moment.
I lean against the torn locker, pushing my hair out of my face. I sigh feeling tears begin to form.
"Well we can look in...the...Rachael?" Gunner says slowing down seeing the tears form. He nears me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
"You okay." He says, this time more sincere.
I look up to his eyes. I nod and wipe my eyes.
"I'm fine."I mumble.
He smiled and grabbed my wrist pulling me to follow him.
"Well then let's go find them."
I follow him till we reach our rooms and we grab our packs. I meet Gunner back in the hallway and we continue to the exit.
The rooms are dark and so are the halls. It's almost sunset, and we approach the auditorium that has the non-barricaded exit. It'll be quick and easy. Gunner opens the doors and an arrow is instantly fired and it just misses his right ear, getting stuck in the wall behind us.
"Rachael!" Lauren yells.
"Lauren?" I say.
I run up and hug her, she hugs back. We pull away and there is an uncomfortable silence until I see her smile mold to a frown.
"Come on! Kelsey and Piper are hot wiring a car they found out back. We're leaving this hell hole." She exclaims.
"I'm down with that!" Gunner says.
Lauren then smirks and we all run to the door and just as we reach the door I ask.
"Where's Vince and Eryn?"
Lauren's face goes blank and she mumbles,"Oh shit!"
Lauren then closes the door and turns back to the school, running towards the hallway.
"What are you doing?!" I yell.
"If I don't come back soon leave without me." She exclaims.
And just like that she left the room.
"Lauren!" I yell.
And just like that she disappeared.
I run to the exit and before I leave I look back at the place one last time. I sigh and close the door as I exit the room for the last time.
A car engine roared as I near the blue truck in the lot. Kelsey sits in the front seat, Piper in the passenger and Gunner leaning against the car. He motioned for me to hurry up. I join him and look back to the school.
"Just give her five minutes." I say.
Gunner smirks and rolls his eyes. He then looks to Kelsey and she shrugs.
I stare at the school waiting for a sign of them coming. And then a hand is placed on my shoulder.
"They're not coming." Gunner sighs.
I nod with no words said and get in the car.
Kelsey starts up the car and grips the wheel.
"Hey Kelsey do you know how to drive?" I ask hesitate.
"No clue." She stated rather proud.
I grip the seat and hope for the best. Gunner looks to me and chuckles to himself, mumbling. I loosen up and lean back in the seat.


We pull in to a police station. Gunner smirks and hops out of the car. I follow him as he opens the doors to the rather small station. It's very dark although it's only around noon.
Most of the windows are boarded up and the place reeks of blood. The place soon becomes brighter when Gunner lights a candle.
"Well that helps." I hear him mumble.
I look around the room and see two cells with a ring of keys hanging from one. I snatch the keys and toss them to Gunner. He smiled and walks over to a door, in which I join him. He puts a key in and turns it to find he got the right one.
"Nice guess." I say.
The door opens to reveal a long hallway. The walls are lined with lockers. Gunner opens the first one and it has a sheriff uniform and a shotgun. He grabs the gun and puts it in his pack. He grabs a taser and pepper spray and tosses them to me.
"Just in case" he says.
I nod,"thanks."
He smiled and we continued down the halls. He opens a screen door to an office. He enters, leaving me in the hall.
I study the walls and see a certain locker that catches my eye. I walk over to the locker and open it, seeing a picture of a man and a small girl that shared his traits. He was holding her up on his shoulders. She held an ice cream in her hand, with most of it all over her face and some in her blonde locks.
They were both so happy.
I notice more pictures behind the framed one. I pull out the stack that was held up on the wall by a magnet clip.
The pictures showed the girl she seemed older in some. The last picture caught my eye.
It was the same girl, she was laying in a hospital bed. Her blonde locks now gone. A smile on her face but fear and worry in her eyes. I go to put the pile back and a card falls to the ground. I set down the pile and pick up the pile. In cursive writing it read
Rosy Williams 2000-2014 Daughter, Friend, Cancer Patient.
I drop the card, tears forming in my eyes. I hear rustling and Gunner yell.
"Hey Rachael you'll never guess what I found!" He said, rather happy.
I wipe my eyes and enter the room he had entered only a few minutes ago. The room was filled with multiple desks and on the other side of the room there was a hallway. I follow down the hall to Gunners voice. I enter and see three shower heads and a dressing room.
"And?..."I said as a question.
"Look at this." He said, turning a lever and water sprayed from the showers head.
"You're shitting me right?" I say happy.
"Nope." Gunner says rather proud.
"Sweet! I have first dips!" I say pushing Gunner out of the room.
"Don't come in until I'm done." I close the door and lock it.
I grab a towel from a shelf and pull off my clothes. I turn on the water and feel the heaven of a shower that I haven't felt in almost a year. I run my fingers through my wet hair.
"Awe this feels amazing-" I say.
Just then there is a knock on the door.
"It's not Gunner genius." Kelsey says.
"Oh. Hold on let me get a towel." I say.
I run and grab a towel, wrapping it around me and shutting the water off.
I open the door and Kelsey's eyes widen.
"The water WORKS!" She says.
"Yeah?" I say.
And just like that I'm shoved out of the room.
"Hey you little asshat my clothes are in there!" I yell at Kelsey.
"You will have to wait!" She says, I can feel her smirking through the door.
"Ughhhhhhhh"I exclaim.
I walk through the hall, towel wrapped tightly around me. I peer around the corner and see Gunner sitting on the desk looking at what seems to be a file.
"Hey Gunner!" I say, only my head visible.
"Yeah?" He says looking at me confused.
"You have extra clothes right?" I ask.
"Yeah? Why?" He says.
"Um Kelsey kinda locked me out of the bathroom and my clothes and pack are in there." I mumble.
"Ohhhhhh. Say no more." He says, reaching down to his pack. He mumbles stuff to himself every time he pulled some type of item.
"Here." He says.
He almost tosses it to me before I yell.
"No! I can't catch it, just...uh...slide them over here." I say.
"Oh." He says.
He then slides them to the floor next to me.
"Thanks dude!" I say smiling and walking to the nearest restroom.
I pull on some jeans that are a little oversized. They still stay on though. I then pull on a red shirt that is actually rather comfy. I pull my hair up and put it a messy bun.
I exit the room and see Gunner and Piper hovering over a file. They are talking as I enter in.
"So only 5 men worked here. This is a pretty small town though. So it doesn't surprise me." Piper says.
"My dad used to come on fishing trips down here." Piper says.
"My dad knew a guy who won the lottery and he got the ticket from the gas station down the block." Gunner says.
"Hey." I say.
"What up?" Piper said.
"Not much. Is Kelsey out of the locker room?" I ask.
"Yeah you're free to get your clothes." Gunner smirked, eyes still on the file.
"Actually I'm keeping the shirt." I say to Gunner.
Gunner looks up to me as if he forgot what he gave me. He laughed.
"Dammit Rachael that's my good one." He said.
"Then you shouldn't of given it to me." I smirk.
He rolls his eyes and I come over and sit on the desk next to Gunner.
"Hey if it bothers you that much I'll give it back." I say.
"Nah you keep it."
"Really?!" I say.
"Yeah. But only cause you're stubborn." He smirks looking at me.
I laugh,"thanks dude."
I playfully punch his shoulder and go to change.
"I take off Gunners jeans and slip on my trusty acid washed ones. I tuck in the soft red shirt. It's flowy but not halfway down my thighs now. I smile and slip on my combat boots.
"That's more like it." I sigh.
I sigh as I realized there was no way to the roof. I walk back inside, pissed, and notice Gunner wasn't asleep yet.
He had made a fire in the open spaced lobby.
He's sitting on a bench. I come over to join him. I lean on him and let out a big long sigh.
"There's no roof spot is there?" He said.
"Nope." I say popping the P.
"Well you could stay down here." He said looking to me.
"Yeah I guess." I say.
We sit in silence until I looked to Gunner.
"Did you know?"
"About what?"
He hesitated.

:::::Gunners Pov:::::
"Did you know?"
"About what?" I ask.
"Thomas." She said, as if saying his name killed her on the inside.
"No not really." I said.
"Oh." She said. I could tell she was holding back some tears.
I see her looking down, I look to her so our eyes meet.
"You don't need to worry about him. Or really guys in general. They're shit."
I see a smile begin on her face.
We sit in silence until she gives me a big hug. I smile and she pulls away.
"You always know what to say." She says.
"Well just remember I'll always be there." I smiled.
"Hey and I'll always be there for you." She says playfully punching my shoulder and smiled.
"Goodnight...and...thanks." She smiled getting up.
"Night." I smile.


(A/n) okay so I need some ideas so comment some possibilities for the story and the characters.
I just want some ideas. Thanks for reading my story!!!!

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