Hate, Love, and everything in between.

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I tighten the restraints on Carson's ropes. "Take him to the auditorium." Gunner says. I nod and point my bow to Carson as I try to help him up. He stands and we leave the room.
As we are walking to the auditorium Carson begins to mumble,"Why did you want to kill me?"
I freeze. I don't really know why I wanted to kill him, was it just the few actions? "I'm not sure. I was just...scared I guess." I say.
He nods and the rest of the way is quiet.

We enter the auditorium and I lock Carson in the prop room. I bolt the door and sit on the stage. I mess with my bow till I hear the door open. It's Alicia.
"What do you want?" I say.
"Well I was just coming here to apologize, about well anything I've done. You just seem pissed any time I'm around." She said.
"Look sorry I've just kinda been unsure about everything lately." I say.
She then looks to me and smiles."
what?" I say.
"So what does Rachael like to do for fun?" She smiles.
"Well at the moment my hobby is staying alive. Thanks for asking."
"I mean before all this." She said," like tell me about your interests, your dreams, your family."
I cringe at the word family," well I enjoy art, sketching mostly. I always wanted to be an author or an artist. And my family... Well I had a sister, she was 9. She had short blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes. She was always very happy. My mom had medium straight brown hair. She was a teacher. And my dad was very tall and he worked at a mental illness place right before this happened. I remember the last words they said to me.'See you in a little bit'" I start to tear up. I haven't thought of my family since well since Carson and I left the school. I wipe my tears and look up at Alicia. She had blonde wavy hair like my sister had. She kinda looked like an older version of her.
Bella then walks in and sits on the other side of the stage.
"So what about you?" I say.
"Oh not much, I was your typical anti social 13 year old. Not much more than that." She laughed.
I nod as if to say same here. She gets a concentrated look and then looks up to me.
"Did you know him?"
"What?" I say confused.
"That Gunner kid, before the apocalypse."
"Yeah, I know him very well." I say.
"It's funny, the way you two protect eachother and stuff. At first I thought he was your brother," I mentally laugh. Sure Gunner and i had the same Dark brown hair and brown eyes but after that the similarities stop," but then you talked about you family and I guessed I was wrong."
I laugh when she says this. She laughs and smiles at the end. She looks to my hands and smiles,"I love your nails!" She says. I look to my chipped nail polish, the polish was black with gold sparkles. "Nah these old things. They are disgusting!" I say honestly. She laughs "well the funny thing is I raised this house and it had a box full of polish. And I happened to grab this!" She says pulling out the same shade of polish from her burgundy knapsack.
"Yeah I really need a new coat." I say, cringing at the thought of me talking about nail polish. I hear the door open to see Gunner with the body bag. He walks up and tosses the back to Bella. He then makes his way to us," hey guys what are you talking about." Alicia smiles,"nail polish." I fake smile. Gunner shrugs," where is Carson?" I point at the prop room and Alicia soon mimics my action. "Thanks" he said and made his way to the prop room. I shrug and turn to Alicia and see her painting her left fingernails the color of mine. She then goes to paint her right hand and instantly messes up." Dammit!" She says," I can never do this right." I lean back against the cold wood and relax. I bolt up when I hear Gunner come out of the prop room. The slamming door startles me. He then looks at Alicia, chuckles and heads to Bella. I lay back down. Soon enough I hear Gunner yell," WE WILL BE BACK IN A FEW!" I nod and Alicia waves. I soon drift off to sleep.

The next day
I wake up in the auditorium. Only some light is shining through the entrance doors. I get up to see Gunner and Bella have already left to do something. And Alicia is in one of the seats fixing her hair.
God all the stuff that girl likes is so damn girly...
I walk out the auditorium doors, and head to the lunch room. I grab a tray from the dish washer and go to the fridge.
Hmmmmmm eggs? No. School bacon? Not taking my chances. Toaster waffles? Eh that's as good as it's getting.
I grab the box of waffles and shove them in the toaster. After a while it dings signaling me the foods done. I eat it slowly and then mope back to the auditorium. I sit down next to Alicia. Gunner soon enters and makes his way to Alicia's backpack. I suspiciously watch, after rummaging for awhile he pulls out her polish. I raise an eyebrow. Gunner is so weird.
I look back to Alicia who I guess was talking to me. Then I hear something. I run out of the auditorium doors to see a girl fighting zombies outside the school.
"Shit more people." I say face palming. She breaks the glass of the doors and runs in leaving an open barricade.
Gunner begins to flip out," ALICIA GET THE GIRL! RACHAEL COME ON AND HELP ME WITH THE BARRICADE!!" I run and begin to seal the doors shut again. I go to grab stuff to block it while Gunner screams orders. He soon is pulled down by a zombie. I finish the barricade and run to Gunner when moments before the zombie is killed and on the ground. Gunner and I look up to see Nick, I boy I had went to school with. I was honestly surprised he was still alive. "Nick!" Gunner says.
"Nick?!"I say running up to them. Gunner high fives him and I embrace him in a hug.
Gunner stands there akwardly," Um don't get to comfortable there Rachael." Gunner laughs. I pull back. And that's when I remembered he had a girlfriend.
Ugh stupid!
I nervously laugh and stare at the ground my cheeks getting warm.
"Guess Liz has competition." Gunner laughs. Nick then sheds a tear. "No. Gunner you see Liz...Liz is d-dead." Nick begins to cry. "I'm so sorry" I say hugging Nick, this time he embraces the hug. Gunner then steps away, and Nick continues to cry. "Hey hey" I say pulling back and putting my hands on his shoulders," Liz wouldn't want you crying over her. She'd want you to be enjoying what you have left of your life and for you to be happy." I wipe the year off his eye with my thumb. He smiles and I smile back. "Better?"
"Yeah a lot thanks." He then pulls me into a hug.
Just them I feel another person join the hug, I look up to see Bella.
I then sit back to see the mystery girl with a knife plunged through her neck. Bella stands up and leaves the way she came. I sit there in silence with Nick.
"So what have you been up to lately?" He says, dragging out the 'So'.
I smile," nothing much just trying to live." He smiles and sarcastically replies,"no way."
I laugh then he begins to chuckle. He then goes to his bag and pulls out a sketch pad.
"Found this in one of the classrooms of Fox Hill, here I know you enjoy that stuff." He hands me the sketch book and a pencil. "Thanks" I say and open to the first blank page and begin to sketch.
At least half way through me drawing I look over to see Nick looking, no staring at me drawing. He had a smile on his face, then our eyes met and we stood there for  a second before I looked back down to my drawing smiling.
I finish the drawing and hand it to him. He examined it closely and put it in his bag." It's awesome." He says.
"Eh I've done better." I say smiling. Gunner then walks over to us.
"Hey Rachael can you do me a favor?" Gunner says.
"Sure." I respond.
He points to the front door where through it I see maybe 10-15 zombies.
"Kill those." I nod and grab my bow and arrows. I turn and wink at Nick he smiles and Gunner looks from me to Nick and back to me. I laugh and turn to walk out the door I walk over and slam one into another and smash two zombie heads into a wall. I shoot my arrow and it goes through three zombies before hitting the brick wall. I punch the last one, it falls to the ground, and I step on its head.
I walk back into the school to see Gunner smirking and Nick sitting there jaw dropped. "Thanks" Gunner says high-fiving me. "Hey can I ask you to do one more thing?" He asks.
"Sure what is it." I say.
He points at the girls dead body. I nod.
"I'll meet you outside" he says. I nod and begin to carry the girl bridal style outside. I lay the girl down and sit down waiting for Gunner. He comes out and I hand him a shovel. He then puts Kendall down and begins to shovel. "She killed herself right in front of us.", I said. "I heard." Gunner said a tear rolled his eye. I turn and see the girl beginning to twitch. "Uh...Gunner..." I grab Gunner's shoulder," GUNNER!" The girl moves towards us and Gunner stabs her in the head exposing the brain. He then stand the brain too. "What the hell was that?" I yell. He continues to put the girl in the grave. I shrug and go to a nearby shed. I end up finding some wood and I cut it to shape a cross. I approach Gunner and hand him the cross. He sticks it in the ground in front of the grave.
He begin to make our way back to the school. I grab his arm." You have to tell me what you were talking about." He turns,"It doesn't permanently kill you if you just stab them. You have to destroy the brain for them to officially die."
"This would of been good to know when I am fighting." I said.
"I'm sor-" before he could finish I storm off.
Well that was jerky of me.
I think to myself. I go over to see Nick sitting at a table with the sketch pad. I smirk and sit down next to him putting my head on his shoulder.
"Whatcha doing?" I say looking at the face he had begun to draw on the paper. He jumps a bit and looks to me,"Oh just attempting to draw, it's shit isn't it." He frowns. "No you just need to adjust here and here." I say pointing to the eyes and nose. I take the pencil from behind his ear and outline the eyes and nose. "There you go." I say putting the pencil in his hand. He blushes.
"Who are you drawing anyway?" I ask.
His eyes widen as if embarrassed," O-oh I'm n-not d-drawing anyone in specific, j-just u-um d-drawing you k-know s-stuff." I laugh at his stutter,"Mhmm stuff."
I say as I notice the familiar features.
"Done." He says rather proud.
"Cool let me see!" I say.
I notice the girl in the drawing was strangely similar to...me? He smiles, "You like it?" He asks. "I love it!" I say. "Thanks!" I hug him before awkwardly pulling away. He coughed. "Glad you liked it." We sit there akwardly smiling till I see Gunner and Bella come up with weapons in hand. Gunner gives Nick an axe and me a pistol. We thank him and I turn," Hey Gunner sorry about out side I was being a douche."
Gunner smiled," it's all good."

Gunner and Bella decide to go on a supply run and that leaves Alicia watching Carson and then Nick and I. We talk for an hour or so till Gunner comes back. Gunner and Bella enter with another person!
Oh my god how many more people do we have to let in. Let's hope this one ain't trouble.
"Who's this Gunner?" I say.
"Rachael Crystal, Crystal Rachael." He says motioning towards the girl. I wave.
"So Crystal I guess you're staying with us. " she nods,"let me show you around." She nods and we begin to walk until I break the silence. "So where did Gunner find you?"
"A candy shop down a couple of streets."
"Oh cool." I say.
The walk is silent until we get back to the group. I join Nick at the table. He looks to me.
"What?" I say.
"They are letting Carson go." He says.
I shrug.
They where going to do it sooner or later.
I walk with Nick to the prop room where they had untied and gave Carson a survival kit. I nod to him and said, "Don't get yourself in any trouble okay." 
He nods and Bella hugs him crying. He then leaves just like that.

Wonder who will be the next to go.

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