The Retreat

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Carson yells out, "Either stay or leave but I'm leaving." I couldn't leave Amber behind, but I couldn't let Carson go by himself out there. I looked back I knew what was right.
I ran as fast as I could towards the barricade, and yelled to Carson "Wait..." he turned around "I'm coming with you." I said. He opened up the barricade and I crawled through. And we headed towards the pharmacy. We can get medicines and other health things, in case someone gets injured.

"So what happened to your family." asked Carson. "They went out to the store yesterday and never came back. I tried to call my mom, she never answered. they told me they would be home late but they never came home." "What about you?" I said, I felt bad asking. when I looked up at him his eyes started getting watery he wiped his eyes and said, "I woke up this morning and everything was quiet and I went to go find them and found them dead on the ground with a zombie in front of them."
We were getting close to the pharmacy. Then suddenly, a group of seven zombies came towards us. Carson ran up front and took out two, then another two, then I ran in and shot two in the head. A final one came and we both shot its chest.
After I look up from the zombies face I see someone running away from the school and towards Carson and I.
It was Amber. "Rachael, Carson. I need your help." she said. "What is it, where's Blake." Amber started crying. " Amber WHERE IS HE?!?!" Carson yelled. Amber was balling." He... He... he's in the school. He won't move something is wrong with him. Why did you guys leave us?"
"I'm going to go to the pharmacy to get medicine for Blake. You go back with Amber." said Carson. "No I got Blake you guys go get the medicine." Said Amber.

Choice 1: go with Amber
Choice 2: stay with Carson

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