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"Ughhhhh!" Emma groaned.
"Wake up sleepyhead!" Emma's mother yelled. "Breakfast is down in the kitchen when you're ready!"

Slouching in bed yawning, Emma brought herself to her feet and stood up. "I'll be down in a minute!" She responded, breaking out of her yawn. She quickly went into her closet, picked out an outfit and got changed.

Emma opened her window and saw spring in its beauty, the breeze and the flowers growing

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Emma opened her window and saw spring in its beauty, the breeze and the flowers growing. Emma had always wanted to be a princess, like the ones in fairytales. Even though she wasn't born in a castle, she had her mother and wouldn't change that for the world.

Brushing through her messy orange hair she looked at her alarm clock and saw the time 8:39 she was gonna be late!

Emma ran downstairs as fast as she could and grabbed her croissant stuffing it in her face, while putting her shoes on she quickly muffled, "Thank you mama!" mouth still full.

Emma's mother was a hard-working, kind woman who would always put others before herself. Her name was almost as sweet as her, 'Amanda'.

When Emma was growing up, her mother would help out at an orphanage. When Emma wasn't at school she would usually come along and play with the other kids. Since Emma's father left when Amanda told him she was expecting a baby at eighteen.

Emma wasn't sad about it though. Sure it would have been nice to have a father around, but she never knew him so there was no point mourning. Emma remembered playing with the orphanage kids. One with black hair and the other with white, but since she was two she didn't remember much of it.

Snapping back to reality, Emma walked out the door waving goodbye to her mother. She began running to her new school hoping not to be late.


A/N sorry for the short chapter! I'll be making them longer I promise but please remember I am human and I can be busy sometimes. Aside from that, I hope you have a good day/night ^^

Word count - 357

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