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"First, " Norman began speaking

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"First, " Norman began speaking

"We need to come up with a plan to find the culprit."

"Can't we just look at the profile of the person that posted those photos?" Don asked.

"If you were paying attention to the profile, " Norman glared at him "You would notice that the person's name is unknown."

"Oh yeahhh!" Don replied checking his phone again.

"Your IQ is lower then a chewed up piece of gum, y'know that?" Nat told

"Oi Nat! No fair, now I can't use that insult." Don proceeded.

"Could you two quit bickering!" Gilda scolded them.

"So how do we figure out who uploaded those photos?" Emma asked.

"Well," Anna began "I believe the first thing to do is to find all possible information available."

"Then we may be able to get the information needed to figure out who uploaded those photos," Norman added.

"Do you think we could use the school's library? There's a computer section in there and it has WiFi." Gilda asked

"That may be the best option," Norman replied.

"But isn't the library only for studying?" Emma implored. "If they see we're on social media won't we get in trouble?"

"Well then, we'll have to be sneaky about it." Nat decided.

"So it's confirmed, we'll use the library laptop to research the info as our mobile phones have a limit of use," Emma declared.

"Yeah, " Norman responded a little shaken up by Emma's serious tone.

"When is the most reasonable time to use the library though?" Anna implored.

"Well, we can't break into the school in the middle of the night, if we did we'd be arrested! They'd make us eat slop and lock us up in cells that have mould growing on a stone bed! The tough guys there would beat us up!" Don argued freaking out.

"Yeah, and the jail goblins would eat our legs," Nat added sarcastically.

"They'd eat our legs?!" Don started.

"Woah! Where do those goblins live?" Emma asked excitedly.

"Emma are you kidding me?" Nat interrogated.

Gilda burst out laughing,

"That was too funny!" She said as she laughed even more.

"Whatever, " Nat countered.

"The best time would be during school hours however I believe that's obvious," Norman began.

"Or else the goblins will eat our legs, " Nat answered smirking.

Don gulped

"Can't we just ask the teacher to use the library laptop?" Emma asked.

"No I don't think so," Anna replied, "The teachers only let students use the laptops if it's for studying, remember?"

"So what do we do?" Gilda inquired.

Norman began, "We steal a laptop."


Cliff hanger I know 😌 sorry for the delay again! I had a lot of school work and I barely got an hour of free time to work on this chapter, I might not be able to post more often but I will post chapters as soon as they are ready and looked through, I love you all so much and votes and/or comments are appreciated. Thanks! ♡︎

Word count -502

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