~Who was he?~

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After ten minutes, Emma had made it to the entrance of her new school out of breath

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After ten minutes, Emma had made it to the entrance of her new school out of breath. It was a huge white building with blue accents surrounded by bright pink cherry blossoms trees.

People were hanging out in big groups everywhere. Boys that looked like they could beat her to a pulp, pretty girls that look like they party a lot, and people studying math getting extra credit. It looked like something out of a movie.

Walking through the gates onto the path she saw two people that seemed normal talking outside the doors to the school.

There was a girl about 5,6 with olive green hair and glasses so big they looked like saucers.

The other person was a boy around 6,1 with tanned brown skin and browny-grey eyes.

Maybe I can make some friends?
Emma thought to herself. Walking over to them as they looked her way.

The girl got excited and started jumping up and down shaking the boy, "Hi! I'm Gilda!" She said with a giggle as Emma came up to them. "And I'm-" The boy began to speak but he was cut off by Gilda, "He's Don!" She blurted out giggling. Don bent down and looked at the floor letting his arms fall towards the ground. "Gildaaa, you ruined my introduction!" He whined. "Sorry, Don I just got excited." She said with a guilty tone. As Don leaned back up Emma introduced herself. "I'm Emma and I'm new here, it's nice to meet you!" She smiled and put her arm out for them to shake. Immediately Gilda  grabbed her hand and shook it multiple times "Your name is so pretty Emma!"She said with a big smile on her face. "Thanks! I like yours as well." Said Emma shaking Don's hand.

The school bell had rung

Gilda got scared letting out an "EEP!" Jumping close to Don grabbing onto his navy blue shirt. After a moment they both made eye contact awkwardly and jumped back. "S- sorry!" Gilda said flustered, "It's alright." Don replied giving a little smile.

Emma smirked.

Suddenly, she felt someone nudge her shoulder causing her to fall. "GAH!" Emma yelled surprised as the boy walked past her not bothering to look behind.

"Jerk!" She exclaimed picking herself up. The mystery boy came to a halt and turned his head, giving her a death stare. "Did I say that out loud?" She covered her mouth and grew red. "Didn't you hear the bell? It means school starts dumbass." The boy said walking into the building.
"I know what it means.." Emma mumbled to herself.

"Are you alright Emma?!" Don and Gilda asked. "I'm fine guys just a little shaken that's all." She said giving her usual smile. "But who was he?" Emma asked, "That was Ray. He's your everyday 'emo jerk' not interested in girls, skips classes alone, anti-social, that kinda stuff. Girls are always trying to flirt with him because he's somewhat 'hot' but he disgusts me. He just pushes girls aside and treats them like garbage. Not what I see in a guy. But it's his life so we just let him do his thing. You can't change a person, but I suggest you stay away from him if you don't want any drama on your first day." Gilda responded.

'What she sees in a guy' Don thought.

"Oh ok!" Emma nodded her head. "Let's go inside we don't wanna be late!" Emma giggled brushing it off as they entered the school.

Inside it was huge, massive in fact. Everyone was at their lockers, "Do you know where your locker is Emma?" Don asked. "If I remember correctly, the school email said my locker is 209!" Emma answered. "Awww, mines 198." Gilda groaned, "Mines 199!" Don exclaimed. "That means our lockers are next to each other!" Gilda smiled giving a small giggle. Don nodded smiling. "We'll see you later Emma!" Don said waving goodbye, Gilda next to him. "Bye Emma!" She yelled. "Bye guys!" Emma replied.

Finished! Don't worry more Rayemma will be in the story soon! I have a full idea of where this story is going. Hope you enjoyed!

Word count- 703

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