round one

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        "Don't you dare talk to me that way!" Ashton yelled at me, louder than yesterday. I nodded and quickly got up from my corner in the living room.

        Ashton was out of control. I thought this wasn't going to be as bad, but he has been threatening me to hurt me. I am scared. I need to get out of here. But, where will I go?

        "Look at me when I am talking to you!" Ashton yelled, too close to my face. I quickly turned too look at him, and I was horrified at the sight. He had a knife in his hand, not aiming it at me, neither at himself. Just holding it in his hand.

        "W-what are you doing with the knife, Ashton?" I asked him, stuttering.

        He never asnwered, just kept looking at me with the same face he has used these past months. Terror came over me, as I quickly walked backwards, away from him. I knew he would find me, he always did. I was just afraid of what would happen if he did... Of course, I knew where to go, when there were situations like this. Right when he had his back to me, I scampered off to the game room and hid behind the back wall. I stood there, trying not to breathe too loudly.

        "Maribell! Where are you? You know, you can't hide forever. I will find you.." Ashton's voice was heard on the other side of the house.

        I quickly ran inside me and Ashton's shared room and didn't lock it. Only left it how it was. I don't want Ashton thinking I was inside, which I will actually be, and trying to kill me for it. I quickly tip toed to the closet and pulled back all the clothes to reveal a secret door, which I only knew of. I never told Ashton, since I wanted this to be my secret place. I quickly opened the door, crawled inside, and closed it behind me. I turned on my light from my phone, which was dimmed, so I could only see. I knew Ashton was comming, I had a feeling he was. I just wasn't ready for when he found me.

        "Maribel! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Ashton's voice was closer by the moment and I started freaking out on the inside.

        I heard his footsteps enter our shared bedroom and I covered my mouth. This wasn't a game. He wasn't kidding when he said he was looking for me. I widened my eyes as I remembered I left the door open to the closet. I just pulled the clothes back to how they were. Ashton's footsteps got nearer and farther. I guess he was walking through the whole room, trying to figure out where I might be. His footsteps were nearer now. I could hear his breathing and practically feel his eyes narrowing at the closet, where I was hiding. But, it was gone. All of it. In a blink of an eye, the narrowing of his eyes were gone and the footsteps were gone as well. It's as if he didn't even care anymore.

        "Suit yourself, Maribel. But I will be waiting here. All night if I have to." Ashton's voice came from the living room as I heard the creak of the floorboards and someone plopping down on the couch.

        Soft snores came from the couch as I sighed and leaned my back on the wall. I knew he had fallen asleep. Only, he wasn't a heavy sleeper, but a light sleeper. So if there was a crash, he would instantly wake up. I was afraid of that. But one thing I wasn't afraid of, was myself. I didn't scamper out. Instead, I stayed inside, just started to use my phone. I quickly texted Calum. If I wanted to find out why he was so angry, I had to search for answers.

        Maribel: Hey, Calum. Can I ask you a question?
        Calum: Sure! What's up?
        Maribel: Has Ashton been angry when he is around you guys?
        Calum: No, why?
        Maribel: No reason..
        Calum: Alright then. I gotta rest. Big day tomorrow. Are you going to sleep yet?
        Maribel: Nah, not yet. I gotta finish watching my show. Ashton is already asleep, tho.
        Calum: Alright then. Goodnight, Maribel!
        Maribel: Goodnight Calum! :)

        I quickly stopped texting Calum and realized that I shouldn't care about why Ashton was mad in the first place. If he doesn't care about me anymore, then, why should I care about him? On one hand, I want to leave him. On the other, I still love him. If I have to make a desicion, I am going to make it now. It's either now, or never. But since he is asleep, i'll do it in the morning. I can't sleep, since I am scared he might find me in the night. Ashton has been a light sleeper, but once he falls asleep, he can't wake up again. He wakes up when he hears something, just can't wake up on his own. Since it was 2:30am, i decided to grab one of the books I kept reading the other day, which was laying next to me on the floor. Well, I guess Ashton will have to wait until morning..

        *IN THE MORNING*

        I crawled out of my little hidding place and closed everything, while quickly trying not to make a noise. Footsteps were heard nearing the bedroom and I started to freak out. Soon they would reach the room, and how should I look? Like I have just woken up? I was wearing the same thing from yesterday. Except, when the footsteps reached the door, they weren't Ashton's, thank goodness, they were Calum's. He seemed tired and worried. When he saw me, his eyes light up and he reached over to give me a hug. I, of course, hugged back and gave him a weary smile.

        "Maribel! What happened? Where were you? We were trying to find you! Ashton called looking for yo-" I cut him off.

        "Ashton was worried? About me?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. Calum looked confused.

        'Yeah. He said he woke up and didn't see you anywhere."

        'Where is that bastard?" I ran downstairs with Calum on my heels and saw all of the boys sitting on the couch, with a red-puffy-eyed Ashton. He was, of course, acting. Like always.

        "Maribel!" all the boys jumped up and hugged me.

        When I looked at Ashton, he had a scowl on his face, one which none of the other boys saw. Only me, like always.

        'Maribel! I was looking everywhere for you!" Ashton faked his voice, sounding worried and walked over to give me a hug. I stiffened, and tried to look like i'd missed him.

        "I was sleeping upstairs.." I mumbled.

        Ashton gripped my arm, tight, and I stiffled a cry. Ashton knew that if I had said anything about last night, he would kill me. For that is why, I kept my mouth shut around the rest of the band. They all looked at us confused and shrugged it off.

        "Uh..Ashton. I-uh need to talk to you.." I trailed off as the boys looked at us and Ashton turned to look at me. He lifted his eyebrows, as if to say, go on.

        "I want to break up. I don't think we are the couple we were before." I said as Ashton looked like he was about to start fake-crying. I knew his act, and I wasn't going to follow along to it.

        "B-but w-why? I thought you loved me? I love you, Maribel. Haven't I ever told you?" Ashton said as he frowned. I shook my head and sighed.

        "Sorry, Ashton. I think it's for the better. Bye, guys.." I said as I walked over to our shared bedroom and started to pack.

        I had a house close to this one, so I knew where to go. I quickly finished packing and went downstairs. Everyone looked at me and I hugged every one of them. When it was Ashton's turn, I froze and hugged him coldly. So did he. Calum came up to me and gave me a sad smile. So did the rest, except for Ashton, of course, who had become very distant.

        "Keep in contact, okay? Take care, Maribel.." Calum gave me a final hug, so did the rest of them.

        I nodded and smiled sadly. Walking out the door, I felt..alive. Something I haven't been feeling ever since Ashton started getting mad 24/7. I threw my bag into the back seat and climbed in. I started to recieve some messages from the boys, telling me they were going to miss them, especially Ashton. But of course, I didn't believe the Ashton part. Driving to my house took about 20 minutes, since there were only red lights. While I was driving, I noticed a sign up ahead that said, Boxing classes. Starting tomorrow! Starting at 8am. First class, $8. When I saw the sign, I imediately had an idea. To be able to protect myself from Ashton, I would join the class. I will finally be able to protect myself. For good.

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