chapter one

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Two pm Saturday March 5th 2014

I grab some boxes from my backseat walking up the stairs to the apartment door "ty open the door i don't have hands" they look at me and slam it in my face this bitch "TY OPEN THE DOOR NOW" i scream wanting to get inside i sigh and set the boxes down and open the door carrying them in but spot a blue head walk out of an apartment as i close the door blue hair? I thought everyone here was supposed to be old?
Shakes it off and unpacks with ty

~time skip brought to you by hair dye~

Finally after hours of unpacking i lay in my bed with headphones in listening to waterparks "Y/N Y/N" ty screams but i couldn't hear soon i feel a pillow hit my face what the fuck i look up pulling my ear bud out and look at ty "yea?" "you hungry im gonna make dinner" i shake my head "you need food" "im just tierd you know how i get" they nod and close my door i put my headphone back in

awstens point of veiw

New neighbors? Cool wonder if their nice a scream breaks me out of thought. "or they're loud but not as loud as the upstairs neighbor" i tweet what feels like 50 tweets but was only like 5. i should sleep i have band shit tomorrow but i also wanna meet the neighbors then again i have tomorrow to meet them to i sigh and walk into my room laying on my bed and look at the empty spot beside me whats the point of smiling when i feel alone? I cant take the fact that everyday i feel more and more alone....i just wanna hold someone as they run their fingers through my hair and call me pretty i roll over trying to block out my thoughts they wouldn't stop your gonna die alone no ones ever gonna love you awsten you should stop trying i put a pillow over my head screaming into it "FUCKING STOP I KNOW IM GONNA DIE ALONE I GET IT!" Soon the thoughts disappeared as i fell asleep

y/ns point of veiw●

Damn i really should sleep but i don't want the nightmares again....damnit i start my store tomorrow so i should sleep i roll onto my side holding my stuffed animal it was the only comfort i had anymore since my dad had died he was the only one other than ty that really cared about me and now hes gone sleep y/n you need it but the nightmares your gonna wake up screaming again i soon closed my eyes the feeling of sleep overwhelming me

tys point of view♤

Im worried about y/n their nightmares have been getting worse everynight they wake up screaming or crying and i dont know what to do they're my best friend and i care so much i hate not being able to help hopefully tonight will be different I soon snapped out of my thoughts to hear y/n crying maybe tonights not different "y/n?" I peak my head into her room she looks up at me wiping her tears and holding her stuffed animal close i walk over "can i hug you?" She nods softly i wrap my arms around her holding her close "y/n they aren't real the dreams cant hurt you i promise" she nods at me and pulls away grabbing her water off her nightstand chugging it before rolling over trying to sleep again "sleep well y/n tomorrow is another day" i pat her head before going to my room to sleep

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