chapter 7

10 1 4

April 10th 5 pm

Shit doesn't waterparks tour soon? I won't see awsten for probably months i flop onto my bed groaning annoyed now "how could i be so stupid to get attached so early and because hes leaving i will probably have a break down but hey that perfectly fine right?....i should stop lying to myself honestly its gotten me no where" i get up and put on awstens hoodie before walking to my shop i bump into a tall man with spikey white hair "whoa I'm sorry" i apologize profusely he laughs "no no its ok y/n" i was taken aback "you know my name?" I soon realize this is THE REMINGTON LEITH "of course i do awsten doesn't stop talking about you or your shop so i decided to stop by and check it on" i smile and open it up turning on the lights awsten talks about me? AND TO THE REMINGTON LEITH holy shit i barley know awsten exept from fan fictions and interviews my thoughts are interrupted "hey this is a great book but whyd you change your name" i look over and see him holding optimistic black hole "well if my family found it id be hated more so i lied and said it was a dream when in reality its based off my childhood" i say while stalking up other books "i think im gonna buy it" i nod "no no take it ill pay for it" i look at him "why? You don't know me" i laugh "Remington if im a fan of waterparks im probably a fan of palaye royal" he laughs "but i wanna pay" "and i said n o" we went on arguing for atleast 10 minutes before awsten walked in "LET ME PAY" "I SAID NO I WILL KICK YOU OUT" awsten slowly backed out of the store confused

Remingtons point of view☆

I can see why awsten loves her shes very nice and quite cute and very loud like him honestly shes an awsten kinnie "let me buy it y/n cmon!!" She shakes her head and tries reaching the top shelf i laugh and put the book up there for her "aw your short" she glares at me "i aint short im fun size....bitch" she walks away i laugh damn shes got some balls if i met a celeb i wouldn't call them a bitch she is my new best friend sorry sebastian move over shes nicer and not an alcoholic

~time skip brought to you by awsten shaving a man~

Ok y/n after a long day at work awsten wants you to come over again so shower change and go over i was interrupted by awsten pulling me into his house "what the fuck!" I catch my breath scared "i think you gave me an extra life i dont want- wait- hang on i should think before i say" he nods laughing "yea definitely" i shrug "i was going to shower im all sweaty" he looks at me "so am i there's seven people in this house we have me, otto, geoff, Remington, sebastian, and ty" tys here? Damn didn't know they left i nod and sit down beside ty "sup monster adict" i look at them confused at first then glare "i haven't had monster in two weeks you had it at 4 am last night" they laugh "atleast when im sad i know how to feel better" i lick my lips "ok atleast i have a good sleep schedule or i dont say on accident im gonna scream but the S is silent" they punch my arm "hah bad news im into that" we both wheeze as awsten sits down infront of us "you guys are one fucked up person all together" me and ty both nod "yea we know its called trauma its what makes us so funny" i cover tys mouth "dude don't reveal our secrets that's illegal ill have to kill you" sebastian looked over concerned "wow y/n i guess you forgot about our pact" i nod "damn guess i did our sewer slide pact how fun" i giggle and look down hair falling into my face

awstens point of view□

Damn...shes so beautiful even when shes laughing at concerning jokes awsten you should have kissed her but what if shed hate me "so y/n ty as you know waterparks tours soon" y/n nodded she honestly looked a little sad but i just thought maybe the jokes messed with her "we will be gone for 5 months with palaye now im giving you two my number incase you need anything or wanna check in when we get our schedule i will make sure i give you times that we will probably answer the phone" y/n nodded i see ty grabbing y/ns hand is y/n ok? Did i say something she looks like shes gonna cry "now we don't leave for about 3 weeks so lets have fun tonight" y/n sighed and looked at ty "we can't we have something tonight" ty nodded softly

y/ns point of view♤

Of course we dont have anything to do tonight i just cant handle the fact i grew so attached and now hes leaving for a few months "im sorry well ty you can stay" i look at them and they shake their head "nope you go i go" i rub my eyes "your like a five year old who lost her mom in the store i swear" "i know mommy" i cringe at them calling me that "no nope that is the exact reason i can't be a mom that word i hate it" awsten looks over rasing an eye brow "the word mommy" i nod "yes i despise it" ty laughs "just like bacon" i nod "yes like bacon i hate it" Remington gasps "YOU HATE BACON" i jump a bit ty grabs my shoulder "yes i hate bacon its just one of those things that my body doesn't like" i stand up and pull awstens hoodie down "well thanks for the offer of hanging out but i have to go do adult shit" awsten laughs and hugs me walking us back to our apartment i look up at awsten "i know your not actually doing anything im not stupid you're just trying to deal with the fact im leaving" i go quiet how did he know? Was i that obvious fuck what the fuck "y/n i know its hard but i gave you my number we can fall asleep on the phone together if thats ok" i gasp "WAIT STAY HERE" i run in the apartment and grab a stuffed seal named bubbles cant believe i called this thing bubbles because when high i nicknamed sebastian danzig that i run back to awsten and hand him bubbles "take bubbles with you it would mean the world" he nods and holds bubbles kissing my head before going back to his apartment this is gonna be long and hard but atleast it will be hard on him as well i walk back into the apartment and sigh taking my shoes off looking at ty whos sitting on the table "you gonna be ok y/n?" I nod softly "i made him take bubbles since it would mean apart of me is technically with him no matter how much it hurts i have to understand its his job and we're not even dating so its not like i can stay in his apartment" ty nods "but you two act like you are" i shake my head "yes you do he gave you his hoodie he made you lunch you gave him your favorite stuffed animal he kissed your head hes been hugging you an awful lot y/n he probably fucking loves you" i just wipe away my tears "im not pretty enough for that he could have any girl why would he choose me" i walk to my room

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