chapter 3

14 1 2

March 5th 9

home sweet home y/n even though its a kinda small apartment i walk into the house seeing ty passed out watching a scary movie "damn...get a better sleep schedule ty honestly" i pick them up laying them in their bed before walking to my room and changing mid taking my shirt off someone knocks i throw my shirt back on and answer omg is that otto wood? "Hey- your not awsten" i look at him "no im not im sorry" he laughs "do you know where his apartment is?" I shake my head "im never really home so im not sure- OH wait yes across the hall i saw blue hair the other day so i figure thats him" he smiles and pats my head knocking on awstens door i close mine did he just- pat my head? Aw adorable i take my shirt off and throw on a hoodie before laying down soon relizing im not tierd i walk out of my front door "hi neighbor" i turn around quickly too a tall blue haird man looking at me i laugh "hello i see your finally saying hi to me and not the mean one" he rolls his eyes "listen i cant help it im to nice" i smile nodding "if your nice i guess im freddy mercury" he gasps and grabs his chest i laugh "DONT DISRESPECT FREDDY LIKE THAT" i laugh harder covering my mouth "im y/n" "i know i bought i book from you" "i know i just kinda thought you'd forgotten" "how could i we met today" i shrug "its LA everyone meets alot of people every day so i figured-" "don't figure because you never know" i lean against the wall rolling my eyes "dont roll your eyes at me do you know who i am" oh im so gonna fuck with him " Am i supposed to?" He blinks "you dont know me?" I shake my head no hes so confused omg- this poor man "most people here do why don't you!!" I shrug "im anti social and am usually busy if that helps any" he looks me in my eyes then away "i dont believe you your outfit says it all" i look at my outfit and see the waterparks symbol before quickly running back into my apartment all i heard was his laugh and a door close "y/n" i look at ty whos drinking monster again...its 9 pm no wonder they get no sleep "you ok? You look like you saw a ghost" "well i saw awsten and he asked if i knew who he was so i decided to say no to mess with him but then forgot i was WEARING a waterparks hoodie so in embarrassment i ran back in the house" ty laughs a tea kettle wheeze "HOWD YOU MANAGE THAT FUCKING AWSTEN KINNIE" "WOULD YOU SHUT UP ILL PUSH YOU OUT OF THE WINDOW" "DO IT NO BALLS" we started messing around

awstens point of veiw□

Are they ok? All i hear is them screaming i shake my head and look at geoff "she thought she could hide the fact she didn't know us but had a waterparks hoodie on and she ran inside embarrassed" he laughs softly before we hear them scream "whats a kinnie and whys she a kinnie of you?" Otto asks i shrug and grab my laptop "someone who acts or relates to someone made up or famous" i look at otto "so shes alot like you?" "According to her roommate apparently yes we should invite them over see and hang out they seem fun!!" Geoff nods otto smiles "yea!!" I pat ottos head and knock on their door "SHUT UP TY SOMEONES AT THE DOOR" i hear y/n scream and a thump before her opening the door slightly "hi whats up?" I look at her face she had silly string all over it "um- you have something-" she cuts me off "i know we had a war whatca need" she smiles that feeling from the book store came back "i was wondering if you and ty wanted to come over and hang out with me geoff and otto" she closes the door for a second then opens it "sure we will be over soon we just gotta clean a little" "ITS A MURDER SCENE Y/N TO BAD THERE WASNT A REAL BODY" y/n covers her mouth and whips her head to look at ty "what the fuck ty" they start laughing i smile "ill see you guys in a bit" she closes her door the feeling soon went away and i missed it i turn and see geoff i jump "you like y/n dont you" i shake my head no knowing that's a lie of course i like her who wouldn't her smile lights up a room her eyes remind me of (honey or ocean depending on eye color) and god shes so perfect i wanna write love songs about her i wanna watch her write i wanna watch her smile every day i want that feeling she gives me everyday its so amazing and i know i have to make a move soon.....theres so many great men in LA she could easily find someone before i make my move "awsten?" Geoff brings me out of my thoughts i look at him "yea?" "Not every girl is your ex you gotta give her a chance i know you dont wanna get hurt again but your gonna die alone if you dont try and i know how it kills you now cmon lets go wait for them" he walks into my apartment i look back at her door and smile before entering after him im gonna make a move soon i dont know how but i know i have to before someone else steals her heart...but shes also a fan what if shes using me no no she wouldn't

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