chapter 12

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I woke up from a nightmare...not really a nightmare but it was old memories of me calling awsten blue and feeling safe for once. I sat up and looked around my room the went to the kitchen to grab a monster. Tys gonna yell at me later. I didn't care though. I could go over there right now and tell him off. Tell him how unfair he's being to Otto and I. Tell him how Dani was just gonna hurt him. But im not. I'm not gonna keep picking up after everyone. Especially Awsten. I looked at my phone and sighed seeing missed calls and texts from Remington. Whys he calling? Its 3 am. I called him back. "Hey omg are you and otto really together?" I laughed. "Yes we are why?" He wheezed. "Awsten is p i s s e d." I laughed again. "I know he's already yelled at me." "You know your the little sister I always wanted but insTEAD GOT FUCKING E M E R S O N." I wheezed. "YOU ACT LIKE I SIGNED UP FOR THIS SHIT." Emerson yelled back. "Little fucker." Remi mumbled. "What are you guys doing up at 3 am?" "We just vibin really." I nodded. "Can I come over?" "UH Y E S BITCH BRING YOUR PERFECT SELF OVER HERE." I laughed and hung up getting dressed and grabbing keys and walking out to my car. To no surprise I could hear awsten and the bitch fighting i smirked and kept walking. He dosent want our warnings? Fine find out the truth for yourself then. I get in my car and drive to Remingtons. "HEY OPEN UP NUTELLA BUBBLES AND DOG LOVER" sebastian opens the door "bubbles really?" I nod. I sit beside Remington he holds out a spoon full of nutella i of C O U R S E take a bite. "So awsten and dani were fighting as i left im sure the whole apartment could hear it" Remington wheezed. "Could you hear about what?" I shake my head "i wasn't paying attention plus i hate screaming so I tried shutting it out". Emerson hands me a cup of tea "thanks emerson" he nods sitting down. i feel safe here these are the people who will never let go of me even in the worst times. "So y/n" i look up at sebastian "you and otto?" I nod "he asked me out last week while getting ice cream we go on our date Friday". Pepper Emersons dog jumps on my lap and curls up i pet her im guessing she knew i was sad. I should get a dog i could get it as a service dog for anxiety. Maybe then the nightmares would stop and i could get over awstens stupid ass i mean im with otto...but no no im with otto. I LOVE OTTO THATS FINAL.

or is it

my blue (A.K x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant