chapter 2

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"Oh my! You really don't think when you're tired don't you?" The demon purred at him.

"I haven't slept in months ok ." The wolf says his eyes are growing heavy as he tries to stay awake.

"You don't need to stay awake. I can do that for the both of us. You know?"The demon flirted with the teen, his eyes looking Wolfy with a look of glee.

"I don't trust you but yeah sure?" The wolf then says "but don't try anything. I'm fourteen." The teen says looking unamused at the demon's flirting.
The demon frowned at the child's words 'does he not care for self preservation?' the demon does not dwell on it for too long he shakes his head to stop the depressing thoughts.

Wolfy lays down to take a nap leaning on a nearby tree. While Wolfy slept the demon hooked the teen up by his waist and sat down on the floor laying the small boy down on top of him. Holding him close to his body. As the day became dark the demon felt the need to sleep so it didn't wake the kid when he woke up.

The demon lifted up one of his paws still keeping a grip on the purple wolf.a set of blue flowers that glowed in the dark a beautiful neon blue were growing in a rapid speed all around the two to make a dome the vines from the flower were overlaid on top of each other and folded in to make the inside of the dome. As the demon started to drift to sleep a rabbit came into the dome wondering what it was and what it harberd. When the rabbit was fully inside of the den the demon moved his finger to call the rabbit over when the rabbit came to see that was the moving object the demon grabbed the rabbit . The rabbit squirmed in his grasp before staying still, the rabbit's breath getting shallow as it fell asleep on the demon's grasp the rabbit grew in size as it slept the demon quickly shifted places with the big rabbit. Wolfy cuddled the sleeping rabbit unaware of him doing it.
The demon sled out of the den quickly as he takes a deep breath even though he doesn't breath he just found it amusing that non demons do this.a cool breeze pushed past his fur. "My first priority is to get food for wolfy hmm he seems to be the kind that eats … flesh I mean he did but how about." The demon hummed after his small note he made. The demon passed by some berries and flowers he found a wendigo making cooing sounds to lure in a child. Then he found a pond full of fish and had bushed full of black berries. The demon purred out in glee as he found food for the little wolf.

The demon moved his paw in the air as a glass bottle appeared. He bends down on one knee near the pond and uses the other by putting it above the water as some of the water lifted from the pond and to the air below his hand. The demon takes the water and places it in the bottle. And moves his hand again so the bottle disappears in thin air. He grabbed a big leaf from a nearby tree and stars to pick some ripe black berries. He flicked his ear and a spike appeared and schwered three fish as they passed, he picked up the fish that were on the spike and made them disappear like the water bottle. He finds an abandoned bee hive as he sticks a stick and jabbed the hive with one of his hands the other holding the berries. As he pulled out the stick a slab of honey was on it dripping some honey. The demon placed the honey slab on the leaf with the berries. And makes it disappear like the other things.

As the demon went back to the den that his little wolf was, he saw the rabbit try to slip out from the den but had trouble being so big so it was shuffling so as not to wake up wolfy. The demon snapped his fingers, getting the rabbit's attention. The rabbit was all the way out of the den when the demon called him over. The rabbit came over to him not wanting to see if it didn't.

"Good boy! Now why are you leaving? You are our pet now. Wolfy shall name you for the time being. But till then if you ever leave or try to get away I will find you and eat you." The demon said as he walked up to the rabbit.

As the rabbit cowered below the demon's gaze it nodded it's head as it sat still. The demon had a set of ribbons of all colors as he set them down on the floor. The rabbit sniffed all of them before looking at the demon his head cocked to the side.

"Oh wolfy will choose Which one he shall put in you. Oh can you be a dear and get me some firewood?" The demon said in a sweet voice. Batting his eyes.

The rabbit pulled on one of its ears as it hopped off into the forest and brought firewood after a few hours. It dropped the wood at the demon's feet.

"Good bunny!" The demon said to the rabbit. The rabbit looked unamused at the demon and looked at the demon wanting a treat for his good deeds.

"Let me start the fire then I'll give you some black berries ok but not a lot they are for wolfy got it?" The demon said as he was starting the fire it was a small flame but became bigger and bigger making the area warm.

The demon flicked his hand as the leaf with the honey and black berries and handed the rabbit a couple of them.

The rabbit ate them in glee as it's white fur was stained with the red juice from the berries. As it wiped the juice from it fur getting it everywhere on it like it was fighting. The demon told the rabbit to go to the pond nearby to take away the stains on its fur.

The demon stayed up so he could make a small table to put the food and drink on. He also went to get some plants for the rabbit to eat along with wolfy. As he came back the rabbit was there near the fire to work up it's fur. The demon went into the den to check up on wolfy.
The small boy was still sleeping soundlessly. A cooing sound from outside of the den could be heard , the demon perked up his ears
listening to it reminded that he did see a wendigo before… he went outside and woke up the rabbit and cooed it inside the den. Before the demon went outside again seeing the same wendigo along with two others the fire lighting up some of their features blood dripping from one of the snouts of the one that was cooing it's teath bare as the other two stood still. Waiting for the demon to make the first move.the demon slowly moved to the ground leaving his hands above his head. The wendigos looking at him their eyes never leaving him as they waited the demon slammed his paws down on the ground as the same flowers that were to make the dome started to sprout out confusing the wendigos as it made a large wall around the small camp and raping the vines around the trees that where around the camp that make it into a circle. A couple of barks and screeches could be heard as the wendigos realised that their prey was stuck on the other side of the circle. And steps could be heard leaving the camp area.

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