chapter 4

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"are you going to keep looking or will you leave?" The small wolf said looking at the demon his eyes giving nothing off but they look tired if the demon looked closely he could have sworn he could see eye bags but his wet fur Turing it to a darker lush purple makes it hard to know.

"I'm sorry I'll leave you to clean yourself dear." He said his to the small wolf in the pond

He could imagine the smaller one making a odd face at him calling him dear but the demon just laughed it that though softly. As the demon left the small wolf started to clean himself taking note to look every few minutes to make sure that he was in fact alone.

The wolf started to him a small amount of notes that he would think about 'what does he want? How.... Or why... No no I can't think straight' the purple wolf thinks '''thinking of me little one?''' Wolfy stops what he is doing 'am I just hearing things?' '''no you are not lover boy no you are not''' "what the actual fuck?!?" The small wolf yells throwing his hands into the air. Laughing could be heard from the camp. The small wolf let his anger get to him not caring for clothing he walked out of the water, his fur dripping water making it clear he hasn't eaten in a long time. "Hay dick wad! What the hell?!?" The wolf yelled out his ears flatten against his head, one of his small hands balled into a fist his whole arm seemed to be shaking in anger.

The demon looked at the wet boy right in front of him, taking in all of the information. He looks at the boy's face that is red with anger and molded into a angry frown his lips drawing into a thin line.the demon looks lower down to the boy's chest to see it puffing up and down and his arms crossed, the demon dared not to look lower but brought his eyes back to the boy's face. He grinned and stood up towering over the boy.

"I see you aren't so keen on clothing right? You might as well walk around naked eh?" The demon says making a jester with his big clawed hand at the boy.

The boy's mouth dropped opened and his eyes become bigger at the realization his face turing redder in embarrassment. His tail hiding in between his legs still wet, he turned around and stalked back to the pond now the demon god a good look at him the way his tail would saw when he walked he looked at his back, his eyes landed on the scars on his back he felt anger small at first then it felt like it was a flame licking up is from his tummy and it sickly rose up his throat and it was blinding but he took a small breath trying to think he continued to think about the scares on wolfy's back he could see that the biggest one looked like a upsidedown cross, and there was no mistaking that where that scar was fur that was ripped, the thought that someone would do such a thing to a child.

He could just imagine the screams of pain that Wolfy made as his father carved that on his back and just tore the fur and flesh of his back, it sickened his tummy bit he then remembered he did even more disturbing things that he could make the father suffer, suffer for what he did to his little lover boy. Then the Demon smiled a sick and twisted smile, but then he heard the boy call to the Rabbit.

"Hay bunny could you come here I needed to clean my shirt sooo I need you to cover up" the boy yelled and a silent held before he said again a little softer "please?" As the Rabbit came to to the wolf his hops making the floor shake slightly.

The demon couldn't help but wheeze out a laugh at the small plead that the Wolfy said it gave the demon life, he couldn't help himself he laughed hard as he fell onto the floor. He stopped laughing when. Wolfy appeared near the cam entrance on the Rabbit as the floof covered up his lower half. He stopped laughing as Wolfy looked at him unamused his eyes on the demon, the demon not used to someone looking at him for so long he squirmed under the boy's gase.

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