chapter 5

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And then the small wolf took his hand still having the other one on the rabbit's fur. The demon held his breath expecting something grand but the smaller just flipped him the bird before he patted the rabbit's head .

The demon wheezed his lungs out holding himself up with his hands, he collapsed onto his side holding his stomach,

"Shut up!" The smaller wolf yelled gripping the rabbit's fur harshly and letting go after he heard it make a small squeak in pain. "Sorry bunny didn't mean to hurt you just got a little to angry for my own liking" the small wolf said his voice going soft as his face softens, petting the rabbit saying sorry every so often and how he shouldn't have done that to the Rabbit. But as his gase turns to the demon it turned into something that the demon couldn't put his finder on yet it wasn't a good feeling ether,then it hit the Demon. Wolfy was disappointed at him, that stunned the demon. A small wolf that the demon could kill if he so desired looked disappointed at him a demon, no a king but the demon felt shameful for some unknown reason so he averted his gase to the floor. The demon could see that the purple wolf looked back at the Rabbit and just say down near the fire to warm up his wet body. He climbed off the rabbit's back and sat in the ground.

He patted his lap telling the rabbit to lay down on his lap, and the rabbit did so but more of flopped on top of the boy. The demon grinned and chuckled at that as he stood up and walked over to the teen that was covered by the Rabbit. He patted the rabbit's head and it shrunk to a reasonable size. The demon took his place behind the boy as he made the wet boy lean on him even if the boy resisted for a second his body tensed under the feeling of the demon's hands but he leaned back with the Rabbit on his lap.

All three of them near the fire soon the teen fell asleep on the demon as so did the Rabbit on the teen. The demon just hummed a toon as he then started to sleep holding Wolfy in his arms smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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