chapter 3

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Shuffling could be heard from within the den as a purple snout was poking out sniffing the area. The demon chuckles at the wolf getting his attention as wolfy walked out looking around wondering where he was.

"Uhh hey wolfy? Look, so you needed a place to sleep and I needed to get food and some wendigos where looking for a snack." The demon wasn't able to finish his sentence as when wolfy got out his fur all matted and sticking out from every angle. The rabbit followed after wolfy his head butting into wolfy's hand beginning for a snuggle. Wolfy complied as he grabbed the rabbit's head in his hands and started to snuggle into its head still looking a bit tired.

"I guess you don't care?" The demon said looking at the two snuggling.

"I have dealt with worse so I'm pretty flexible in many situations." Wolfy explained his tail moving slowly on the ground.

"But what time is it?" Wolfy yawned, still hugging the rabbit swaying a bit to the sides

"It's still dark but I'm guessing it's about to become morning soon. But I got you something to eat!" The demo said trying not to laugh at wolfy's fur.

"Here eat near the fire. I have gotten you some fruit and honey. I'll brush out your fur as you eat then maybe take a bath." The demon said, making a hand gesture towards the table near the fire.

The small wolf looked at the demon his ears pointed backwards as a look of suspension creeped up on his face. As his tail stopped swaying as it puffed out along with the matted fur on his body. His shoulders hunched. The demon looked confused then he remembered he mentally slapped himself in the face. Remembered that wolfy was never given kindness as a kid his life was full of abuse from his father.the demon felt pity as he guessed now that wolfy found even the smallest amount of kindness as some sort of threat. The demon looked wolfy then gave wolfy a small smile which the wolf snapped his jaws at him a small rumble could be heard from the small wolf. The demon stepped away from the table with the food on it far enough for the wolf to get food and not get attacked by the wolf. Wolf's shoulders flatten back to their place but his eyes are still watching the demon. As wolfy moved towards the table with the food he sat down on the floor on his knees. still keeping his eyes on the demon. As he looked at the food his eyes taking it all in the table contained a leaf containing a large amount of black berries and a slack of honey. And a glass bottle of water.
Wolfy looked towards the demon that was standing a little closer to wolfy studying what he was doing.

"What is this?" Wolfy asked the demon his voice a small whisper.

"Well this is for you to consume and what I found in the forest witch as you can see is a small amount of black berries and honey with a glass of water." The demon said sweetly to wolfy trying to not get the same reaction from before.

Wolfy looked confused at the demon but shrugged it off as he looked at the food before he grabbed a one berry and looked at it closely, his fingers holding it gently as he brought it up to his face.

"It's not gonna bite you!"The demon said irritated before regretting it as he said softly again to the small boy "I will try one with you ok?"

The small boy snarled at him before he nodded his head waiting for the demon to approach the leaf. The rabbit looked at the two it seemed interested in what was going on before he went back to eating his food that was in another plate full of flowers and berries and grass. The rabbit saw a shimmering object across the camp. It looked back at the two seeing the demon walk slowly towards the child. The rabbit sneaked towards the object to see a scythe that was laid across the floor along with bones. The rabbit made a small noise before looking more closely at the scythe and grabbing it within its mouth and quickly moving it back towards the fire near wolfy's plate and going back to eat.

wolfy's table so he could snuggle his legs. The demon just patted the rabbit as he moved by so that the rabbit was back to its normal size so it could fit under the table. As the demon sat down behind Wolfy being careful not to sit on his tail. The demon took his paws and started to drag his paws down his fur scaring wolfy. Wolfy held still as the demon continued with his actions not minding the wolf. Wolfy waited a little longer before continuing to eat the food as wolfy finished the food he grabbed the water without hesitation and took out the quirk quickly as he chugged the bottle coughing in the process his tail thumping the ground.

"Well now you know not to drink so fast?" The demon hummed softly taking notes to make sure wolfy took a bath Because his fur was all greasy and a mess so he stopped what he was doing and took wolfy to the the demon guided Wolfy to the pond as the small wolf tried to get away from the older.

"Let go of me! Where are you taking me?" The smaller said trying to push the older away but his small hands sank into the older's fur. The smaller wolf jumped back letting go and looking at his hands. And walked backwards till he tripped on a small rock. The demon held him before falling onto the ground once, he grabbed the smaller one he sunk into him and walked him to the water. He didn't bother with the other yelling at him; he just kept walking till he reached the pond.and took the kid and walked down to the water's edge and started to take the boy's pants off along with his white button up shirt stained with blood from his father. As he took the boy's clothes off he decided to leave the boy to clean himself. The demon left wolfy's body.

"You do not know me well, so I shall leave you to wash yourself Wolfy." The demon said in a soft voice said as the wolf look like he was going to attack.the purple wolf  walked to the deepest part of the water as he stood there his paws crossed. The water reached to his bottom jaw. He looked at the demon with a face that the demon can not put an emotion to, 'it's like he makes new emotions every second'.

The demon was starting at the wolf questioning about him then as the wolf turns around to look at the pond he is in the demon could see scars on his back but only briefly for the wolf turned around just as quickly

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