Step 2: Society

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"Being different doesn't mean you are uncanny. You're just limited edition."

This is something I think we should all talk about.

Let me tell you a little story about myself...

Like most of the children, I had a normal body. Not too slim nor obese. Just in between.

It didn't really bother me, until one day a little girl, who was thin, pointed out that I was fat for my age.

(I know it sucks, but she was just a kid. So please don't throw shades at her.)

I just laughed and shrugged it off, since I didn't care.

But as time went by, I noticed how the body-shaming went on.

Not only to me, but some girls.

They would cry when they provoked them and wouldn't eat if you offered them snacks.

I didn't understand, so I asked my mother why girls were so sensitive.

My mother told me, that being a woman was never meant to be easy.

I was just a young brat that time and didn't know what she meant by that time.

Now that I grew older, I finally realized what she meant.

I have a lot of female friends, who body shame themselves or think negative in general about their appearance, more than the guys I know.

They are never content with what they have and are.

It's horrible.

They would try their best to fit in the society's beauty standard.

For instance, the trendy body shape.

A freaking hourglass figure!

(Note: I don't intend to throw shades on women who have that. I sincerely apologize if 'freaking' came off as an insult... It's just that most women think it's the ideal body type they must work on to and it makes me a little bit mad. )

Sure, it looks unique and extremely feminine, since body curves naturally signal attention to men.

It has psychological reasons behind that. Having wider hips makes the males think, women can bare more children, which is why they are attracted to women who have that feature.
Our ancestors have developed that sense, as the main goal in life was to make sure you had a lot of offspring to carry your name and to expand the family (not to extinct).

But EVERY woman has that!

During puberty, you women grow hips (even if you don't notice them) to prepare yourself to bare children in the future, just as naturally as we male grow taller and get wider shoulders for survival reasons.

(Men have that future to come off more dangerous and stronger towards the other male, because men are made to be that way)

I've recently went through social media and watched this 'What is your ideal body type?' interview. It's basically women asking some college students or men out.

The majority went with the hourglass figure, aka 'slim thicc'.

Excuse my foul language, ladies...

WHAT THE F****!?

Okay. It is feminine as I have explained earlier and I do admit, very seductive.

Like the majority wanting a man to be at least muscular, since it's naturally in women's instinct, hence natural sexual desire.

But why does it HAVE to be exactly that figure?

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