Step 9: Family

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" Your kids don't need a perfect mother. They need a happy one."

This is the chapter I've been waiting to write for such a long time.

The up bringing of children.

Children are parent's pride and strength, right?

They may be annoying but the loveliest human beings on Erath. Their hearts are so pure and caring towards any other human being. But still there are children who suffer from abuse and toxic households.

Children deserve loving parents, but not everyone deserves a child.

So, make sure to commit having one with your whole heart, before planning to have a child.

That's the first thing you must bear in mind. Of course, "mistakes" can happen, and it goes unplanned. But don't see it as a mistake but a blessing and cherish your child.

Don't burden them with hatred, as it wasn't their choice. You must take full responsibility as a parent.

Causing hatred and toxic relationship with a child, affects their whole life more than you know. This can result to making them furious, stubborn, and cruel adults as they grow up.

Chivalry never died. Some parents just never taught their children how to behave.

I'm not expert to what makes a good up bringing, as I don't have a child myself. I just add things that I was taught by my parents and by psychological books.

Let's try to bring back chivalry, alright? I think this is something the whole world needs again.

1. Teach your child how to respect a person:

Your child should respect their elder people. Even if they have 1 year age difference with siblings, it is important to show your child that your eldest child deserves respect as well as he/she might carry a lot of responsibilities for their actions.

Teach them simple etiquettes when they are at the dining table or on a public bus. Some fail to keep their child silent in public areas, causing them to look like brats.

Don't make them hate other people who look different but more like teach them how to accept the way individuals are.

Show them how to behave towards strangers and those in need. Don't just show them the bad sides of strangers, but also the good ones, for example helping someone who needs a hand. That way they can build confidence and are more self-assured.

But to take that, you must respect your child too. Surely there's some aspects where equality plays a role, for instance when they don't want to be "disturbed" in their room.

2. Don't blame your child or scold them, more like elaborate what they did wrong:

Your child is new to what comes to life. It is very important to explain what they did wrong, rather than scolding and causing physical harm to them.

Sometimes you have to get angry, when they don't take you seriously. But afterwards go back to your child after giving him/her space and try to make them happy again.

They need to learn what is right and wrong in the most mannered way. And if you have to do it the hard way, then so shall it be.

3. Support them:

Don't expect your child to meet your expectations. It is his/her life and you have to understand that. You can try telling them off when you believe it could harm them and not your family status.

He/ she is your child, and you should know him/her best.

4. Spend time together:

No matter how long your break it from work or your home chores, it is important to spend some time together.

Read them a book for bedtime, go shopping, go to the park and more.

Your child needs you the most, even if you don't think so.

5. You're their role model:

The way you and your husband treat each other will be perceived by your children.

Show you daughter how a woman should be. How to love, care for a man and how to be independent too. Teach them that they are worth and must fight all odds.

Nobody wants their daughter to become naive and arrogant.

Teach your sons how to treat a woman and their sisters, how to express their emotions and have courage.

Nobody wants their son to be out of control and aggressive.

All these little things should be put as a reminder, until they grow up.

It is your duty as a parent to teach your children and advise them through life. Don't neglect them and think up bringing is a burden/ waste of time, because it is not.

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