Step 10: Lady

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"The success of every woman should be an inspiration to another. We're strongest when we cheer each other on."
- Serena Williams

And thus, you've reached the end chapter of this book (:

I want this chapter to be a special one. So, I'll try to make it successful as possible hahaha.

I may not be the one who should be talking when it comes to being a woman and the things, I wrote down may not be helpful at all.

However, my main purpose was to create a community, where you can be yourselves and lift each other up as I have done for the Gentlemen.

This book is for you after all. You can share experiences and help each other out, as you may relate together more than relate with me.

I have watched and witnessed scenes where women help each other, and it has made me really fascinated. I usually see them tear each other down for reputation or for a man, but when they bond together and happily build a friendship makes the world seem less inferior.

Even for me, someone who usually doesn't care about such small things, has touched my heart when I see a special bond.

Men can be very toxic and immature most of the time, but we get along. Sometimes we must be dominant in order to gain the respect we want. Pretty stubborn as a men's pride and duty.

But as for you Ladies, I understand that some don't go by rules but how far do you take it to break one lady down? They have enough struggles to face due to our (excuse my language) fucked up society.

You struggle with sexism, domestic violence, judgement, abuse, and high expectations. So instead encourage each other and help one another.

I'm not saying you must hate men and become extreme feminists, but more like standing up for your rights and still love your opposite gender.

Not all men believe in the same thing and each man is different. Don't stereotype each one you have come across to.
And the same goes with women. Sadly, we have good and bad people all over the world. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to be the bad person though.

I believe that people who hate you, should be treated well. Not because they are in the right and you're less worthy of things, but because they need it the most. They never experienced kindness before and may need a little adjust.

Live freely and peacefully. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. You're your own person even after you have married someone or are in a relationship.

Look at iconic and empowering women such as Marilyn Monroe,
Queen Diana, Marie Curie, Oprah Winfrey, Malala Yousafzai, Daisy Bates, Mother Teresa, Park Yeon-mi and many more.

These women are living proof that one can be a lady and have the power like a man. They faced hard obstacles without losing themselves. All with different histories, level of struggle, nationalities, beliefs, and age. But they still have something that combines them at that is being a strong woman with a brave heart.

If they can change the world, you can too.

So, keep inspiring your fellow women :) <3

It's not just elegance and good manners that make a Lady, but a loving heart and mindful mind.

You're not too old nor too young to make a change, so bear in mind that you have the will and power to make a change.

Starting today.

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