Step 6: Manners and traits of a Lady

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"Good manners can open doors, that the best education cannot."


/ˈmanə/ a person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others.

I'm not one to talk, but I think this is an important asset everyone should master.

I know for a fact that your parents have always scolded you for misbehaving in public or even at home.

We used to think that it was irrelevant and a waste of time, but to be honest, this is a trait that made you... You.

The way you behave towards someone in a certain situation, is how people perceive you.

Make sure to always be respectful, for they will never forget how your actions are.

There are private schools that offer lessons about manners, but this can be taught by yourself and is a better way to keep in mind, on my opinion, as you don't feel pressured to act right.

Make it a habit.

The kindness you give to people, the same you receive back.

Having manners shouldn't be a plague, but more like a positive personality.

Let's start off with the hardest one.

1. No swearing

You read right. We live in a generation where everything can be normalized, which is a good and yet bad thing at the same time.

I'm not going to romanticize the 19th century, where women were told to stay at home and get beat up by the male (who were ought to be gentlemen outside). But if they saw how the world has turned it would freak them out.

Swear words can suck my-

Hahaha. See what I did there? I almost said a vulnerable sentence.

Your tongue and voice is there to spread nothing but the truth and kindness.

I do admit that I swear a lot myself, but more like in my mind which we shouldn't. It's hard to keep it to yourself as we live in a society where it is completely normal and considered a slang.

Try your best not to curse and just smile it off. Show people that swear words shouldn't be a habit as it could harm people and lead to bad situations.

Bonus point:

Not only does it make you a rarity and disciplined person, but also a likeable and genuine person. You might as well want to increase your vocabularies instead of swearing words.

2. Master observation

Being silent and listening to one another is the best way to understand and make clear decisions.

Don't be a brat and talk back right away. I know people provoke you on purpose to get the worse out of you , but don't give in.

I confess that I'm a very aggressive person and yet I manage to hold myself back. It took me year to practice keeping my fist and words to myself.

Once things escalate, breath in and look them in the eye. It will slow them down as they notice that you're aware of their actions, making them calm down a bit.

Listen to what they have to say and speak with a calm voice, no matter what topic it's about.

If I can do it, so can you :)

3. Stay away from drama

The best way to live a unbothered life is to stay away from people's business.

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