Prologue- New Girl

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         I slept peacefully that morning snoring softly as I tried to take advantage of every second, I was in my beautiful dream world. As I dreamt my mind began to take me to a place I had never been before. It was ethereal almost. I soon noticed a girl standing beneath a tree. Her blonde hair shining in the sunshine as she looks at the tree. She soon noticed me and smiled. My knees became weak, I had never seen this girl before but something about her caught my eye. I didn't know what it was, but I felt my heart begin to race when she made her way to me. I looked at her and saw her beautiful ice blue eyes. She, however, faded as I heard the cursed sound of my annoying alarm clock. 

    I sighed sitting up in bed running my fingers through my blonde hair as I pressed the button to make my alarm stop. I got out of bed and opened Zane's door. He was asleep at his computer. I chuckled knowing he would complain of neck pain that day because of the way he slept. "Baby brother," I said gently to wake him up. That didn't work, so I pulled his chair from his desk, he fell out of the chair and woke up instantly. "Garroth!" He yelled, but I simply chuckled. "It's time to get ready for the first day of school." I walked to the bathroom to go brush my teeth and start my usual morning routine. 

     Vylad was already awake and decided to hog the bathroom before I could, so I stood outside the door tapping my foot as he took his precious time. While waiting Zane saw me waiting and sighed. "Hell, no I'm using mom and dad's bathroom." He turned to go in that direction. "What about your toothbrush?" I raised a brow. He held it up in response. "You keep that in your room?" I chuckled softly. "Yes, I'm the middle child meaning this is a constant for me. Therefore, I still need to find ways to remain hygienic. Last week I had to brush my teeth in the kitchen sink." He says in a snarky tone as he walked to the master bathroom. Our father was already at work, and our mother was downstairs. Basically, I silently cursed wondering why I didn't think of keeping my toothbrush in my room like Zane does. When Vylad finally stepped out of the bathroom, I booked it in there and locked the door. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, and the rest of my routine that will remain a secret.

    When I was ready for school I ran downstairs and slid down on the stair railing. I grabbed my car keys since I got my license over the summer. I got in the driver's seat since my mom permitted me to drive an old car we had. I sat in the driver's seat waiting on my brothers. They hurried out the door, and when Zane saw me in the front seat, he and Vylad started a conversation that started with Vylad laughing a bit. When they got to the car Zane sat in the back seat.

    "What's so funny?" I asked looking at Vylad when he got into the car. "Oh, Zane saw you in the driver's seat and said we were doomed and that he leaves all his belongings to his ghost." Vylad chuckled. I looked at Zane in the review mirror. "I'm not a bad driver," I said as I started driving to school. "I'm surprised I'm still alive," Zane said and I rolled my eyes. "At least you don't have to either walk to school and arrive out of breath sounding like that rhino from that Jumanji movie, or take the bus which smells like sweaty feet and social interaction for you." I chuckled and Zane went quiet for a minute then finally said. "I guess I can be a daredevil then." We all shared a laugh. When we got to school, I parked the car in the student parking lot, in my designated spot. 

   I stopped the car and when everyone was out and had their things, I locked the car putting the keys in my bag so I wouldn't lose them. We walked into school, retrieved our schedules, and then proceeded to our classes. I saw Laurence and smiled walking over. "Hey," I said as I started the conversation. "Oh, hey Garroth." Laurence smiled turning to look at me. "How was your summer?" Laurence asked looking at me. "It was good, I spent some time with Aph. She was obsessing over Aaron the entire time though." I shrugged. "Maybe we'll both find someone new this year." He says turning and putting some books in his locker. I stood out in the hallway a bit in the way, but everyone walked around me. I didn't even really realize I was in the way. "Fat chance of that, the only other girl that's captured my heart doesn't exist." I sighed looking down then back up at Laurence who gave me a subtle smirk. "You had that dream, again didn't you?" He chuckled and I blushed getting flustered. "N-no." I stuttered and he laughed a bit. "So, did she do the same as last time?" He asked closing his locker and leaning against it. "Yes, but Laurence she doesn't exist." I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "Maybe she does, or ever did in a past life or something." Laurence shrugged and I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that's possible." 

   As I said that I suddenly felt the impact of someone walking into me. I looked over to see a girl I'd never seen before. I reached my hand out to help her. "Oh my Irene, I'm so sorry. I was out in the hallway a little too far." I said as I looked at her. She held her head, "It's alright." She said in a beautiful almost hypnotic voice. She grabbed the hand I offered her and I pulled her up. When we met eyes, my face heated up and my heart raced. Her long light blonde hair that was pulled into a ponytail, her pale magnolia skin, and her stunning ice blue eyes. It was her, the girl I had been dreaming of for months.

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