Chapter Two- Don't Mess It Up

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     When seeing her talk to our mother, we were sure she was trying to set her up with one of us. Emma smiled at Mom and nodded. I stepped out of the car. "Yeah, well my mother is at work." Emma says shrugging, "Oh well where's your father?" Mom asked her. Emma sighed looking down. "Half of him is on the fireplace, and the other half is in Scotland where my parents had their first date." She says holding her books. "He was killed before my sister and I were born." She looked down once more. Mom looked down a bit, and I bit my cheek on the inside. "I'm so sorry that I asked." Mom said sincerely. "Why?" Emma asked catching everyone off guard. "You're not the reason he's gone, if you're saying sorry to be sincere then flat out say that you feel bad for me. Which would be pity, and I don't need pity. Life happened, and it frankly sucked because it ended too soon for him." She sighed and smiled a clearly broken smile. "Besides, I never knew him. I don't need the sincerity." Everyone remained silent. "Now that I've made things awkward, I should go." She started to walk to her house. Mom still clearly felt bad but could tell that Emma didn't get upset at the question. 

     Zane followed after Emma, she really seemed to hold an effect on him. It wasn't like he liked her romantically, he just genuinely connected with her as a friend. That was a welcomed first. That night Mom went over to Emma's place and welcomed the new neighbors. She hit it off so well with Emma's mom though that she brought her back over. Emma's mother had blonde hair, fair skin, and the same ice-blue eyes Emma did. However, they didn't hold the same power. She wore her hair in a bun, and her posture was amazing. "Garroth, this is Angelica Blackwell. She's Emma's mother." Mom said smiling happily. "Oh, this is Garroth?" Angelica asked, her voice was interesting it seemed she had a French accent. Then it hit me, Emma had an accent also. She had a British accent though, but it was still an accent. "Yes" Mom smiled, "My daughter Emma told me a little about you." Angelica smiled as she looked at me. "I hope all good things." I smiled a bit nervously; I didn't know why I was nervous around her. However, she was rather intimidating so maybe that was it. "Yes, all good. Why? Is there anything bad I should know about?" She asks making my blood run ice cold. "Nope, nothing bad." I shrugged as I walked over to my room. When I got there, I was pleasantly surprised by Emma. I guess I was too distracted to notice her. 

     When she saw me walk in, it was almost like I startled her. "Oh, hey Garroth," She says smiling a bit. "What are you doing?" I asked raising a brow. "I was exploring a bit and I got distracted." She admitted rubbing the back of her neck. "By what?" I asked chuckling a bit. She pointed to the Zelda poster. "That," She smiled a little bit. "It's one of my favorite games." She chuckled a bit and I blushed once more. "Mine too," I admitted. "Gee really who would've thought?" She asked being playfully sarcastic. I laughed a bit at her smart remark. "So, you and Zane are friends? How did that happen?" I asked and she looked at me, "What? Because he's different he can't have friends?" She asked and I immediately went wide-eyed. "No, that's not what I meant. He just is kind of a loner, that's why I'm asking." I explained and she nodded. "Well, I protected him from an idiot, then he got pissy, so I just ignored him for a minute then started to listen to music. He heard it through my earbuds and we bonded over that." She shrugged and I nodded, "Oh so you're an emo." I teased, and she scoffed. "No, I just have a vast taste in music that happened to help me bond with him." "Oh, that's surely it." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Are you teasing me right now?" She asked crossing her arms as she looked up at me. I laughed a bit and tapped beneath her chin playfully. "Maybe I am," I smirked a bit, and I swear I saw her blush. "If you're going to tease me flirtatiously, I prefer you just flirt my dear." She smirked walking a bit closer, I blushed but tried to keep up the flirting until Zane walked in. "There you are, Emma." He says linking arms with her and glaring at me. Emma looked confused but went with it. 

     Zane when Emma left the room glared at me. "Don't do this, don't flirt with her and break her heart. This is the first real friend that I've ever really had and if you screw this up, I swear to Irene I will make you regret it." He threatens and I sighed softly. "Zane, I'm not going to..." He cuts me off. "Save it." He glared then left the room. 

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