Chapter Three- Unavoidable

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     I thought about what Zane said that night. It was all I thought about, so in my insomnia, I decided to look out the window. In my agony and dismay; the window above my bed looked directly into Emma's room. She was currently awake also, sitting at her window on what looked to be a tiny bench she set up as a window seat. I smiled admiring how she was able to drink out of her mug full of what I assume to be tea, and relax without a care in the world. She suddenly looked at me, the caught off guard look on her face was adorable. However, out of respect for her, I looked away. When I looked back though she was holding a piece of paper that read out her phone number. Confused, I wrote it down then called her. She answered the phone. 

     "Didn't your mommy ever teach you it's not polite to stare?" She teased, which caused me to blush. "Sorry I didn't mean to I was just unable to sleep so I..." She cut me off, "Decided to people watch for a bit?" She asked smiling a little bit. "No, it's not like that." I said flustered, "So you wanted to admire the bits of the scenery you can see?" She questioned, "What do you mean by the scenery?" I asked nervously blushing, "The beautiful night sky we have tonight." She raised a brow and I nodded looking at her still through her window. "Yeah, heh," I said nervously looking away from her. "It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked smiling softly. "You sure are," I whispered and she looked confused. "Sorry I didn't hear you." She says chuckling. "I said it sure is," I lied as my heart pounded in my chest from that slip-up. 

       It was almost like she heard me with the look on her face, but she seemed to drop it. "What's your favorite constellation?" She asked and I sighed, "I don't think I have one." I shrugged and she softly smiled. "My favorite constellation is the Ursa Minor, commonly known as the little dipper." She smiled looking at the stars best she could. "How come?" I asked curiously, and she pointed to it. "If you can see it, the brightest star, that's Polaris. It's also called the north star. It reminds me of freedom and imagination." She explained and I nodded. "You know a lot about stars, don't you?" I asked softly smiling at her. "You should see me with forensics." She laughed a little. "Oh, I'm certain I'd love to." I watched her unable to help myself. I then remember what Zane said and softly sighed, as if she could sense my emotions she instantly asked; "What's wrong?" Shocked I got flustered, how was she able to hear that? "It's nothing," I lied but she persisted. "Garroth what's wrong?" She asked again, but I knew I couldn't answer. "Nothing, look I have to go to bed. Goodnight Emma." I said about to hang up "Goodnight Magnet," Emma says sighing softly. I smiled a bit hanging up, and closing the blinds a bit. I laid in bed, and finally, I went off to dreamland. At least I can be with her there. 

        I was back, and I saw everything. The tree, the amazing scenery altogether, the amazing sunshine, and there underneath the tree was Emma. She stood there like she always had, and walked to me as she always did. This time though she grabbed my hand pulling me to the tree with her. She soon sat down, and I sat beside her. I wrapped my arm around her as she cuddled into me. "So, when are you going to tell me that you love me?" She asked speaking for the first time in these dreams. "Right now..." I started but she cut me off. "Garroth, you can't live your happily ever after in a dream world." She said looking up at me, it was clear she was self-aware. "You need to be able to tell me, the real me how you feel." She says adding onto her previous statement. "I can't though, I don't want to hurt Zane." I sighed and she looked into my eyes. "But what if it's destiny?" She asked which caused me to look away. "Fat chance of that." I sighed once more looking in front of me, but she turned my face to look at her. "You're literally dreaming about me, and you've dreamt about since before you met me. You can't hide from your feelings." She pointed out, but I still didn't want to risk it. Soon enough the alarm went off breaking our time together. As I woke up, she said, "Which would you rather have? hours that feel like seconds with me or a lifetime that'll be happy and peaceful?" Before I could answer her, I woke up in my room. I heard my phone ringing, it was Emma. At this moment I had to make a choice.

         I picked up the phone watching it ring, but I then thought about Zane getting upset and hurt. I didn't want that, so I decided from there on out that I'll be a jerk anytime I saw her. I declined the phone call and got dressed doing my morning routine. Everything went like it did yesterday, but when we got in the car Emma and Evelyn got in also. Emma was in the backseat beside Zane, and Evelyn was upfront. Vylad was in the back too, but he was at a window seat minding his own business. The car ride to school was silent except for Emma and Zane chatting to each other. When we got to school, I remained patient with them as they got everything and went to class. I walked in going to my first class, the day went as normal. Though every time I saw Emma, I brushed her off. 

        Then at lunch, she sat right across from me, Zane sat beside her though. It still didn't change the fact that every girl was staring daggers at Emma. I sighed and went back to eating. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her now and then. This continued until lunch, relieved that it was over I went to my home economics class. I went in and sat down at the table where I sat the day prior, it didn't have anybody sitting in the seat next to me so I figured I would be all alone for the year regarding assignments. However, nothing seems to go my way. Apparently, the day before Emma had was sitting behind me in the one other partially empty seat. So today she sat beside me. "Hey," She smiled at me and I felt my heart race. 'Shit' I thought to myself. When the teacher walked in, he smiled and looked at everyone. "Okay everybody look at the person in the second seat of your desk. Get familiar with them, exchange phone numbers, because they will be your partner throughout the year. In this class consider yourself married, if you're paired with someone of the gender you're not comfortable with being married to in the hypothetical please let me know after class and I can do a possible switch, but overall this class is where you come to learn about basic skills. I will not only be teaching you how to sew and cook, but I will teach how to survive as an adult." The teacher smiled and handed out our first assignment. "Your first assignment is to get to know your spouse." When we got our paper we looked at each other, and I swear Emma was blushing at this as much as I was. 

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