Chapter Four- Everything Brought to the Surface

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       When I saw Zane next, I pulled him aside to let him know the news. He seemed a little pissed off, but he understood that I wasn't in control of the situation. "If you hurt her, I will never talk to you again." He said coldly looking at me. He walked away and I sighed not knowing what to do. Suddenly Emma tapped me on the shoulder which startled me. "We should put a bell on you," I said when looking at her and recovering from the slight scare. "Kinky," She teased making me blush and look away. "So, what's your problem?" She asked which caused me to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I questioned and she sighed looking into my eyes. "Garroth, while the contrary may be true to you. However, I'm blonde, not imbecilic." She crossed her arms and I didn't know rather or not to be offended. "Imbecilic?" I questioned and she raises a brow with a smirk. "You've simply proven my point, anyway just tell me already." She rolled her beautiful eyes at me and I sighed, "Nothing is wrong okay?" I brushed her off walking away. 

      The car ride home was extremely awkward. I tried to keep my mind at bay, but it was almost impossible with how things were going. When we got home, I silently thought to myself, "Finally," as I parked the car. Emma got out, but did she go home? No, because it's Emma, of course, she wouldn't in my moment of agony trying not to hurt anybody I just wanted things to come out, I wanted to tell her to get it off my chest. However, things just didn't seem to be like that. I went to my bedroom and Emma was there, and this time she was sitting on the bed waiting on me. The look on her face was that of a very furious woman. "What's wrong?" She asked once more sighing. "Emma, nothing is..." "Oh cut the bullshit!" She shouted, it's clear that she could read me. "Did I do something?" She asked sighing and looking away. "No, you didn't," I said to her reassuringly as I placed a hand on her shoulder. She sighed looking at me. "Sorry, I seem irrational. We hardly know each other, yet it feels like I've known you and your family forever. I just want to know what I did wrong." She said hugging herself looking into my eyes. I sighed and looked at her. "You hardly know me, yet you've already read me like an open book. How did you do that?" I asked chuckling softly and she chuckled nervously. "I guess I'm just good at it." She rubbed the back of her neck. I sat down on the bed, and since she stood up to talk to me earlier, she sat beside me. We sat in silence for a few minutes until she just sighed and walked out of the room. Before she left, I grabbed her wrist, "Emma wait I uh..." She turned to look at me and I couldn't tell her, I was too nervous. "When can we meet up to work on our assignment?" I asked and as I did the look on her face seemed to almost sink. "Oh, maybe some time tonight. You can come over when you feel like it." She smiled happily and walked over to Zane's room.

       Later that night when I went over to Emma's she took me up the attic where she had a little study area set up. "This place is nice," I said looking around, and she turned to look at me. "Agreed, though careful when you close the door to make sure you leave it open a crack it sticks." She warned, I froze realizing I already shut it. "It what now?" I asked looking at and she turned around going wide-eyed. Immediately I attempted to open it and sure enough, it shut. "Okay so we're stuck, alright you can call your mom, can't you?" I asked and she nodded then sighed, "Damn it I left my phone in the kitchen." She sighed and I realized I did the same. "Oh well, we can study then get out." She says as if it's nothing. I looked at her slightly panicked. "You're just going to study? We're trapped!" I said panicked and she rolled her eyes. "Don't be a baby." She pulled her hair back and kicked the door open effortlessly. Watching the door swing open and the doorknob breaks my eyes widened. "Now we can study." She went and sat back down as I froze looking at her. "How many times have you done that?" I asked looking at her. "Do you really wanna know?" She raised a brow and I nodded smiling softly. "Yes, that was badass." I chuckled looking at the broken door. "I don't know how many times I've done it, but I can teach you how." She smiled up at me. I nodded sitting beside her. "So, question one, what's your favorite color?" Emma asked looking into my eyes with her stunning ice blue eyes. "Blue," I said simply smiling at her. "Same here," She smiled innocently. 

       While she smiled, I noticed something, two of her teeth were extremely sharp. I brushed it off and chuckled softly. I looked back into her eyes then to the paper at the next question. "What's your favorite..." I was cut off by her moving my face and kissing me. My heart raced as I kissed her back wrapped my arm around her, and put my other hand on the back of her head as she wrapped her arm around my neck, she placed a hand on my cheek. When she pulled away, I couldn't help but kiss her again pulling her close to me this time. "I've dreamt of this moment and I know it's weird to say, but dreamed of you for months now," I confessed and she looked into my eyes once more. "I dreamed of you too. Your ocean blue eyes, tan skin, and soft blonde hair." She ran her fingers through my hair causing my heart to race. "You've been the main character of my dreams for a long time. When I met you, I just..." I joined the sentence with her as we said in unison, "Knew we were meant to be together." She smiled at me once again. I put a finger under her chin now. "So, does this mean we're together?" I asked and she smiled softly. "If you want us to be, Magnet." She smirked a bit. I rolled my eyes kissing her again. 

Next chapter will be in Emma's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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