Chapter One- Emma

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        I looked into her beautiful ice blue eyes, getting lost in their beauty. "My name is Laurence, and this is my friend Garroth," Laurence says breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Nice to meet you both, my name is Emmalyn but please call me Emma." "It's nice to meet you." I finally said smiling softly. "You as well Garroth. I'm guessing you have girls bumping into you all the time, you seem like a huge chick magnet." She says giggling at her own joke. I blushed heavily chuckling softly. "You'd be surprised." He smiled softly. "No, I wouldn't, almost every girl in the school is glaring daggers at me. I'm guessing you're the dreamboat of the school." She looked me up and down checking me out a bit, then a smirk spread on her lips. "I can see why." She chuckled. "See ya around Garroth." She said pronouncing my name correctly the first time she ever said it. I smiled softly looking at her. The way she walked, with such confidence and a sense of not caring what anybody thought about her.

     "Gee stare much?" Laurence laughed snapping me out of my daydreaming. "Guess I was staring." I softly smiled when Laurence noticed it. "Wait a second, holy crap is that her?" I looked at him with a look that read "shut up" and he simply laughed. "Your dream girl does exist." He smirked and I rolled my eyes looking back over at her. When I saw her, she had a hold of Zenix's wrist and shoved him against the locker. When I saw her do that my eyes widened a bit, wondering what happened I walked closer. 

   "Picking on someone you think is beneath you isn't funny, so you're gonna apologize you filthy piece of trash before I shove your head up where the sun doesn't shine. After all, you've mistaken it for a hat." She hissed at him as she holds his wrists in between his shoulder blades making him face a student. I immediately recognize that student as Zane. Zenix started to laugh, but she tightened her grip. I swear I saw tears. "Sorry," He says in a whimper. Emma dropped Zenix to the floor letting him land on his face. She looked at Zane and sighed. "Come on let's get away from these losers." "They're not losers." Zane hissed and Emma laughed. "You're funny. If someone is going to tear you down, they're not a winner. If they're gonna be jerks then start your own group. Now let's ditch these idiots and get to class. I saw on your schedule you're a sophomore like me." She held her hand out to him. He sighed and took it allowing her to help him up. Zenix snickered, but when Emma simply glanced at him that snicker immediately left. Since the halls were empty at this time, there were no teachers nearby to witness any of this. I stood there smiling softly seeing her stick up for my brother. 

    "Looks like she's got spirit." Laurence chuckled as we went to class. "She made Zenix apologize, that's more than spirit." I laughed a bit. "Right, so she's probably a deity." Laurence joked we both laughed happily. When we got to class, I sat in my seat next to Laurence. I sat there sketching on the back of my notebook, unable to stop thinking about her. I didn't notice the bell rang until Laurence tapped my shoulder. That snapped me out of my trace. "The bell rang." He informed me, and I nodded gathering my things to go to my first official class. 

      At the end of the day, I waited in the hall for Vylad and Zane. Vylad to my surprise got there first. Even more surprising was when Zane was walking over. He was talking to Emma, how was he able to get a full conversation with her? I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I swear I heard Zane actually laugh. She when seeing me smiled softly and waved. "Hey, there Magnet!" She said walking over with Zane. "Magnet?" I heard him question. "Long story, I'll text you about it later." She giggled a bit. Oh, her giggle was so adorable, wait a second she said text. She has Zane's number and he has hers? I couldn't get a full conversation, but he gets her phone number? When hearing that I was surprised, but I shrugged it off. "Okay, hey do you need a ride?" Zane offered, and she looked at him. "What about my sister?" She raised a brow. "Good point." Zane sighed, suddenly a girl that looked almost exactly like Emma walks over. She had green eyes and short blonde hair. Honestly, Emma was still far more beautiful. "Hey Emma, I'm gonna stay after school. I joined a club today and I need to stay to discuss everything." She said and Emma nodded. "Okay, mind me getting a ride from these guys then?" Emma asked pointing a thumb at me.

    "Go for it, mom has a phone." The girl chuckled and walked off. Happily, I lead the way. At some point, Emma and Vylad got into a race for shotgun. Emma won, which made me even more nervous. I sighed and got to the car sitting in the driver's seat, I chuckled softly at Emma who was happily almost doing a dance to celebrate her victory. Everyone got into the car together and I drove off. "So where do you live?" I asked Emma and she looked at me. "Next door to you, that's why Zane offered the ride in the first place. We were talking about how I just moved here." She looked out the window and I nodded glancing at her every now and then. At one point she noticed, but she only smirked and turned her head back to look out the window. 

    When we arrived back at my house, I saw my mother and realized she was waiting on us to come home from our first day. I went wide-eyed and looked to Zane and Vylad. "Mom is on the porch," I said, and both of them went wide-eyed. "Crap, she's gonna ask a bunch of questions about Emma and..." Zane trailed off when he saw Emma open the door about to walk home when mom called out to her. 

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