Chapter 2: Lies and pain

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3rd person pov:
Luna sighs
"Do you remember when we were younger Kwazii?" Luna asks him
"Yea" Kwazii replies
"Do you remember dad?"
"Well when we were used to abuse me but he made sure you and mom didn't notice" Luna says in a small voice
Kwazii stays quiet.
"Then when I was 9 I left the house because I couldn't stand it"
Kwazii hugs her and Luna hugs him back.
Luna cries on Kwazii and they finish hugging.
Luna hears giggles and looks at Lilith, Luna reaches her arms out to Lilia but Luna feels a pain in her arm.
"OW" she cries out
"What's wrong?" Peso asks her
"My arm hurts" Luna replies
"Here come with me I'm a medic" Peso says to Luna
"B-But what about Lilia..?" Luna asks Peso in a worried voice
"Don't worry me hearty I'll take care of this little one" Kwazii says to Luna
"Alright thanks Kwaso" Luna says in a gentle voice and smiles.
~ With peso and Luna ~
Peso's pov:
"Sir what's your name?" Luna asks me
"Oh my name is peso" I reply
"Peso are you dating my brother?"
"Kwazii never told me he had a sister" I say to her while walking to the medbay
"Oh..." She says looking away from me
We get to the medbay and I hear sniffing and look back at her.
"Flappity flippers! What's wrong?!" I ask her in a worried voice
"I guess *sniff* that he forgot *sniff* about me..." She says crying and wiping her tears
"I'm sure he didn't just sit on the bed and then we can talk about it" I say to her in a soft voice
~ with Kwazii and Lilia ~
Kwazii's pov:
Since Lilia seems very young I made her a hat and pulled out my phone so we can watch youtube video, Lilia starts giggling.

(Their watching this btw)
Lilia grabs a notebook and writes something on it.
Notebook: " Uncle Kwzay"
"Can't you talk matey?"
Notebook: "Uncle Kwzay did mommy not tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
Notebook: I'm mute
"Oh.." I say to her in a sad voice
Notebook: "and today's my birthday"
"Happy birthday matey"
Notebook: "I wish I could talk"
"We can talk to peso about it"
I put her on my shoulders and walks there.
~ back with Peso and Luna ~
Peso's pov:
"I never expected him to forget about me" Luna says
"I'm sure he didn't" I say
Luna puts her hands on her knees and starts crying.
"Shh it's ok"
"No! I'm just a mistake!" Luna says to me in a sad and angry tone
"No your not, don't say that about yourself" I say to her
"Why would you say that about yourself" I ask her
She gets off the bed and turn to the wall
"Don't speak unless you're spoken to, little girl" she says
"But ladies don't get dirty" she says
"Someday you'll learn to fill the empty space..." She says
I look at her in confusion.
"With empty faith" she says looking at me with a smile and tears running down her face
"Everyday feels like a battle and I always get hurt" she says
"I don't know how to fight only taught how to surrender" she says
"They tell me to hush but my words are all that's left" she says

(Song that I used some of the lyrics from)
Luna walks away from the door and I see Kwazii carrying Lilia
"What is it Kwazii?" I ask him
"I wanted to know if you could try and make Lilia be able to talk" Kwazii says to me
"Oh why?" I ask him
"She's mute peso" Kwazii says to me
"Oh" I say
I grab Lilia and put her on a bed.
Lilia starts to cry, and I start to comfort her.
"Shh what's wrong?" I ask her
She grabs her notebook and writes on it, and turns it to us.
Notebook: "is the brown person (Shellington) my dad?"
"No, he's not" I say to her
I turn to Luna to ask her something but Luna falls to the ground crying, Kwazii runs to her and hugs her.
"Matey what's wrong?!" Kwazii asks her
"I'm sorry Lilia..." She says crying and hugging Kwazii
Notebook: Why are you sorry mommy?
"Daddy's gone..." She says smiling at Lilia and crying
Me and Kwazii look at her in confusion and assume that Lilia's dad is dead.
Notebook: "What do you mean?"
"Daddy's wanted another family..." She says crying
I cover my mouth in shock and start to feel bad for Luna and Lilia, Kwazii gets extremely mad and goes to find the captain. Lilia figures out what Luna meant and starts crying, Luna walks over to Lilia and picks her up. Luna hold Lilia close to her and try start crying together. I decided the two needed some space so I leave the medbay and follow Kwazii before he gets out of my site.
900 Words :D (this took so long to write -.-)
I'll try writing the next chapter soon and I won't make Luna the main focus for the next chapter! Bye guys! - Lazarichanchan1
Quote of the day:
"Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit." -Elbert Hubbard

We meet again (Kwazii x Peso)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang