Chapter 5: The Reminder

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Luna's pov:
I wish Lilia was still here... it's been a day since her death. I'm a horrible parent...

~ meanwhile with Kwazii~
"Captain Barnacles we have to do something I can't stand by and watch my sister feel sad!" I say to him
"Hm what's something tat would cheer her up?" He asks me
"Maybe I can write a letter to my grandpa calico jack!" I say to him
"That's sounds like a great idea" Captain Barnacles says to me
I had already written the letter and sent it.
Dashi comes in and pokes me!
"Yeow!" I shout
Dashi looks at me confused ad then realized we was stepping on my tail.
"Kwazii can you tell Luna that the food is ready?" Dashi asks me
"Sure" I reply

~ With Dashi ~

I tell turnip to make another plate and he finishes right when everyone is at the table, Turnip and the vegimals set the table ad puts the extra plate down that's meant for Lilia. Luna sees it and eats her food, she barley eats any of it. My plan is working perfectly, Shellington turns to Turnip.
"Turnip why is there a extra plate?" Shellington asks
"Uhd sisnw w wnnsi" (I just typed random stuff on the keyboard)
"Oh Turnip... Lilia died yesterday" Shellington says to Turnip and one of the vegimals faint and the others gasp.
Luna walks away from the table when something crashed into the ship. (Yes there in the ship now don't question it)

Kwazii's pov:
"He's here!" I say opening the octohatch
"Luna I got our Grandpa, Calico Jack!" I say to her
'"oh Kwazii" she says hugging me
"Hello Kwazii" Calico Jack says to me
"Hello Grand dad" I say back
"Is that your girlfriend?" Calico Jack asks me
Before I could say no, Luna says
"EW NO! Why would I be with my brother? Plus Kwazii is obviously gay!" She tells him
"Wait...Luna..?" Calico Jack says
Luna's pov:
Calico Jack's parrot flys on his shoulder.
"Yeah it's me" I reply
"Did you call me Kwazii to reunite me with Luna?" Calico Jack says
"Well something like that... You see grand dad...Luna had a kid" Kwazii says pausing
"Oh! Can I meet them?" He asks me
I start tearing up.
"Grand dad..." Kwazii says
"Yes Kwazii?" He asks him
"Her kid died yesterday in a coma..." Kwazii says to him
" did that happen?" Calico Jack asks me
"We can talk about that later, you guys should hang out so you can cheer her up" Kwazii says to him
Kwazii's pov:
"Alright" Calico Jack says
"And Shellington will go to.." I say coming close to him
"But if you hurt my little sister or her heart I will tear you limb from limb" I say to him whispering
He gulps but agrees, they go off and I look at peso, we stare into each other's eyes and we both quicky look away. Captain barnacles both grabs us.
"I think you guys should hang out right now" he says to us
"If you say so Captain" peso says
"Alright captain" I say to him and me and peso go upstairs.

~ with Tweak, Captain Barnacles, Dashi, And Professor inkling ~
Third person pov:
"There made for each other" all but Dashi says
Dashi gets mad at makes up and excuse.
"Guys can I be with Luna as well?" She asks them
"Sure" Tweak says
"If you want" professser inkling says
"I don't see a problem with it" Captain Barnacles says
Dashi smirks and goes up stairs.
615 words
Quote of the day:
"Education is not the learning of the facts, but the training of the mind to think." -Albert Einstein

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