Chapter 10: Rosey nightstand

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I searched the medbay.
' Nothing here '
I then search the entire ship till I find one single clue, I pick it up. it's a kelp cake, I go to Shelligton and use his microscope. He notices me using it.
"What are you doing?"
"I found a clue" He sighed in relief
"I was starting to give up"
I gasp dramatically
"You were gonna just deal with a vegimal being missing?! How could you!" He chuckles at my little act
"But how is a kelp cake going to help us?"
"Easy, we use the finger print"
I start interviewing the vegimals.
"Shelligton translate"
"They said they remember seeing them walk around and fall down a slide" (is that what there called?)
"Alright we'll investigate that next"
Kwazii POV:
I was with Peso looking for the lost vegimal, we figured out that Luna and Shelligton had already asked them questions. We go to where they should be, I see Luna's ex holding her by the hair and he captured the vegimal!
"Y-you're a maniac!" I shout at him stuttering in fear
"Let me go!" She shouts at him, trying to break free
I run towards him and try tackling him but miss, he waves his dagger at us.
"Don't come any closer or else.." he says pulling Luna to the water
"Pfft..that won't do anything, she knows how to swim.." I mumble to myself
"Understimating me, huh?" He says smiling a big and wide smile
He stabs Luna and drops her in the water, my eyes fill with darkness.
Peso's POV:
I hold my hands to my mouth as I watch Luna get stabbed an dropped in water, I run to the octo alert.
"Captain! Luna's ex came and she's severely injured but I can't get to her since her ex is blocking us from getting her!" I say
I hear loud footsteps, everyone but Dashi comes.
Captain Barnacles tackles him to the ground, Tweek dives in and grabs her. She comes back and carries her bridal style, I can see that Kwazii fell into a pit of despair. I look at Luna and see as blood drips from her, the water she was once in was bloody. I quickly took her to the medbay, Tweek carried her to it. Tweek sets her on the bed and I soon start trying to make her condition less worse.
' Live! Please live! I can't stand how upset Kwazii will be if you die now after showing up years later! Shelligton will miss you! So please wake up! ' I think to myself wanting her to hear this and wanting to say it out loud
' it's not like she could hear my thoughts.. '
I can feel myself about to cry, I cry on Tweek out of fear of her dying. She pats me on the back.
"Shhh, it's okay..." She says in a soft tone
"I don't want another person to die..." I say causing me to cry more
~ a few days later ~
Kwazii's POV:
I come to visit Luna everyday, I will talk to her about what adventure we went on and what happened. I'll sometimes sing to her, songs we knew as a child. One day as I was about to visit Luna I see someone dart out if the room, I quickly run in the room and see her cord unplugged. I quickly plug it in, I hear Peso running in.
"I got a notification that someone unplugged the cord! Is she okay?!" He asks worried
"Yeah, thankfully I came here on time and was able to plug it back in before she could die" I reply
"That's good"
I get up and peck him on the lips, he blushes. I pull away and go in for a longer kiss, it was passionate and soft. We break away, I look at him.
"One of us should stay with her and we should tell Captain Barnacles about this" Peso says in a serious tone
It's the first time I've seen him this serious, I guess Laila's death really effected him.

~ 1 months later ~

I now only watch her, I can't lose her too. I place a rose on her nightstand next to the bed. There is at least 30 roses on that nightstand. Hoping that she'll wake up. I think about all the good memories, I know people say that the last stage is acceptance but I'd like to add one more...




Quote of the day:
Roses are red, violets are blue, you broke my heart when I needed you - By me <3

We meet again (Kwazii x Peso)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن