Starvation and Suspicious Activities

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Hey guysss, I realized I didn't really do like an introduction thingie in the first part so imma do one right now. 

Umm, so I've written a lot already but I'm not gonna release all of it at once so I can still stay ahead with the writing I'm doing right now. It does start out a lil slow, but don't worry it will pick up in the next couple updates. If ppl want I can do shorter and more frequent updates, or I can stick with the weekly, longer updates, I don't really care. Up to you peepssss. 

The next week was absolutely awful.

Alecto Carrow, the new Muggle Studies professor, told lies and slandered the non-magical people in the newly required class more than Hermione thought possible. What she taught was absolutely disgusting, and it was clear the woman had absolutely no knowledge about Muggles at all. Most wizards were the same, but they didn't go around telling blatant and complete lies about a subject they didn't have any information about. If only they could see all the wonderful things that Muggles had invented. Sometimes Hermione wished they would at least do some research and adopt some of those inventions. For example, showers. They all still took baths. It amazed her how smart they could be but still not have things Muggles considered basic necessities to live. And television. Wizards would go bonkers if they saw one.

All she could focus on were her Muggle parents, and how they would be treated if Voldemort won the war. She shuddered to think. Most of the time the muting charm came in handy, and she just stared off into the distance, dreaming of escape.

But despite that horrible class, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was taught by Alecto's brother Amycus, the rest of the classes felt hauntingly familiar. Hermione often caught herself focused on a class, her only thoughts the quizzes and tests coming up. She refused to slip into the easy, mindless routine that was so comforting to her. Study, read, write, and test. She had bigger problems than the next Arithmancy quiz now.

Though it was akin to stabbing herself, Hermione forced herself to skip homework to study the movements of the ever present enemy in the castle. Snape tended to stay in the office, the Carrow siblings liked to roam the halls, looking for any unsuspecting students to hoax. The teachers that had been there before Voldemort's takeover mostly stayed in or near their classrooms, with the exception of Professor McGonagall, who seemed to have a vigilante streak, saving students from the vicious Carrows.

Malfoy kept to himself, and the one time she had followed him this week, he had just been going to the Slytherin House. He looked sickly and pale, even weak. Hermione hoped he was sick.

Hermione made her way to the library for lunch, as usual, and she was intercepted by Ginny. Hermione had mostly managed to avoid her for the better part of the week, but she knew Ginny had already been in and out of detention and had the injuries to prove it. Hermione hated standing on the sidelines, but she knew it was for the best in order to reach her goals of discovering Malfoy's secret and escaping.

"I knew I would find you here." Ginny sat on the desk Hermione was sitting at.

"Pretty predictable I guess," Hermione replied, not looking up from her book.

"Look, I know you're avoiding me and all, but that doesn't stop what's going on. Just because you aren't able to go out with Ron and Harry doesn't mean you can't help here." Ginny told her.

Hermione clenched her teeth.

"What do you mean by help?" she questioned, hoping she didn't sound as frustrated as she felt.

"Me and some other people are trying to get together a group of students to defy some of the rules, have our base in the Room of Requirement.."

"Another Dumbledore's Army." Hermione interrupted. Ginny flinched.

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