Madame Pomfrey Accepts Draco

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Hey guys! 

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, but I've had a busy summer. Don't worry tho, I still got a bunch of content to post hehe.

The next morning was awful.

Everything felt as if it was on fire.

Hermione was sure it was mid to late morning, if not early afternoon.

For once, Draco was asleep. Every time she had awoken, he had already been up for who knows how long, usually just lying there and staring at the ceiling.

His face was serene, not unlike his usual face, except it was softer, and lacked the intense grey stare. Hermione watched him, and saw that he only breathed slightly about every minute, his chest raising ever so slightly.

Struck with a sudden idea, Hermione grabbed the chain between them and rattled it loudly, an echo of what he had done when the torture had first begun. 

To his credit, Draco only flinched violently, his eyes flying open.

"I'm going to kill you." he said softly through closed teeth, his voice raw.

"Both be dead then," she mumbled, sitting up.

"At least then I'd have some quiet,"

"Free blood too,"

Draco sat up and looked her in the eyes, his intense gaze back in full force, changing his face completely from when he was sleeping.

"Don't say that." he croaked darkly, still managing to sound menacing. Hermione shrugged.

The disheveled pair trudged their way to the infirmary, luckily in the middle of a class period, it being late morning as Hermione had guessed. There was one small first year boy who was emerging from the bathroom who stopped and stared at what probably was a very strange and slightly horrifying sight of two very disheveled and bandaged seventh years chained together. Draco only made it worse by grinning with his incisors out, which made the boy squeak and scurry away in fright.

Hermione slapped his arm and glared at him.

Draco shrugged nonchalantly.

"Half of them probably thought I had fangs anyways,"

She couldn't argue with that. To first years Draco would definitely seem like a monster, but she was surprised that he took notice and accepted it.

"I can interpret looks, Granger." he told her in a grating voice.

In the infirmary, Madam Pomfrey gave them one look and threw up her hands in exasperation.

"You two will be the death of me."

"A comrade for Draco then," Hermione joked hoarsely, to earn a flick in the head from the Slytherin.

"The pair of you are staying here for at least three hours," the head nurse commanded.

Both the students began to protest, but with a flick of her wand, Madam Pomfrey sent them flying into two adjacent hospital beds that conveniently rolled together to accommodate for the limited space Draco and Hermione had between them.

Even with the beds pushed together, they had to be on the edge in order to keep the chain slack between them.

"I guess she likes me enough that I get my own bed now," Draco said, stretching out and putting his hands behind his head, the chain on his wrist jangling slightly against the bed posts. 

Hermione shook her head disapprovingly, trying not to speak any more.

Madam Pomfrey came back armed with a number of different bottles and serums, and set them all on the table on the end of the bed.

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