"The Nargles Took Her"

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Professor Trelawney jolted in her seat, eyes coming forward again.

"How did you come by each of these objects?" the professor asked, as if she hadn't just gone into a creepy trance and recited a whole bloody prophecy.

This was probably not the best time to mention that she had in fact found them in Draco Malfoy's book bag.

"Th-they kind of all came at once I guess." she stammered.

"You found all of these in the same spot?" she questioned incredulously.

"Well, yes I did." Hermione replied uncomfortably. The professor looked shocked, and didn't respond for at least a minute.

"Well, there's nothing you can do to prevent this from happening."

Hermione must have looked confused, because Trelawney actually rolled her eyes and in an exasperated tone said,

"Haven't you been paying attention girl? Your life is about to get very hard, but in it, you have the potential to find a love that will either bring you immense happiness and power, or endless pain and death. It will come from unexpected sources, but do not let it go."

So she had some sort of recollection of her episode of being possessed. It took everything Hermione had not to say,

"So the usual then."

But still, the revelation shook Hermione slightly. Since these were technically Dracos, did that mean this was a foretelling about him? Or since she had brought them here, was it for her?

Whichever it was, she knew one thing for sure: that she was certainly not going to ask Professor Trelawney.

Suddenly. She was reminded that the Divination professor was probably waiting for a response.

"Oh, sorry, I was just uh, taking it all in. Wow. How...remarkable this is." Trelawney sniffed disdainfully.

"Leave now, I am unable to tolerate your close-mindedness any longer. Do what you will with my prediction, but I suggest you prepare for great peril to come your way. I also warn you to never abandon this person, otherwise it will almost mean certain death for both of you."

Hermione scoffed in her head. What else was new? Of course there was peril. They were in the middle of the Second Wizarding War, and she was on the opposite side of the people in charge of the school.

The second part troubled her. She was not in love with anyone at the moment, and didn't plan to be for a long time. There were more important things to do than fall in love with someone.

"Believing in prophecies is for crackpot loonies anyways. Not for people who are right in the mind."

As she trudged down the stairs, Hermione remembered why she had even gone in the first place. All this embarrassment and time wasted for some awful love prophecy. Hermione hadn't learned anything new or important about Horcruxes or a secret plan that Draco was concocting. But what had she expected?

Hermione should have known the results would be inconclusive or irrelevant. It still bothered her that Draco had obviously been doing some sort of divination with them. Not to mention the love letter. The very thought of it caused her to blush slightly.

Perhaps the foretelling was about Draco and that girl. She would not be surprised. But none of this was useful information. She stewed over this on her way back to the Gryffindor common room. Hopefully there was something useful in his school book, or the random papers stuffed in his bag.

She was lost so deep in thought, that Hermione didn't notice Ginny until she called out to her.

"Hermione." Ginny said.

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