Mrs. Norris Knows What's Up

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Sorry this update is shorter than usual and also late, but the next part needs it's own chapter sooo.... 

"Have you found anything useful?" Hermione yawned, stretching in her chair, the chain jingling slightly. Draco huffed in annoyance.

"Only that it probably won't come off unless it's done with her wand," he reported, slamming the book closed. They had been at it all day, Hermione chastened by her thoughts yesterday had refused to be sidetracked, but even though she had gone through at least fifteen books, it was near the end of the day and there hadn't been any breakthroughs.

The only thing getting her through the agonizing torture and the crushing humiliation was the thought of being able to get the collar off. Even the prospect of being unable to remove it filled with utter and complete helplessness. She had always been able to figure a way out, to come out in the end, but she had always had Ron and Harry, even Dumbledore, but now she was alone.

Draco, despite being on the other side, gave her a small dose of comfort, knowing that he had to suffer right along with her, and was also looking for a way out. Hermione couldn't deny that he was smart. He had had almost better grades than her. She saw his calculating gaze and cold logic, and couldn't help but feel a grudging respect. Ron and Harry had put her in the mindset that all boys were fairly dull, at least when it came to academics, but Draco Malfoy refuted that. He was even fairly athletic and agile, even if he'd had to buy his way onto the Quidditch team.

The memory of that day floated to her mind. That was the first time anyone had called her a Mudblood, and Ron had tried to make Malfoy eat slugs. Hermione smiled briefly at his honorable cause, trying not to think of the slugs sliding out of his mouth. She missed his annoying ginger head, and sheepish grin. Him and Harry were out there, life in danger, and here she was, thinking about priggish Malfoy.

"I want to do something productive." Hermione announced, slamming her book closed. Draco gave her a hard stare.

"Are you telling me looking through these blasted books has been a waste of time?"

"No, it's been useful, but I want to do something."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"What do you propose we should do?" he asked mockingly, and added dangerously, "I am not licking you again."

Hermione colored, "Don't say it like that you idiot. It sounds weird."

"Saying it differently doesn't make it less weird,"

"Well then why didn't you just spit on my hand then?" she challenged, "it would've worked just as well."

"If you knew it would work just as well, then why didn't you say so?" he shot right back.

"I-I didn't think of it." she admitted through gritted teeth, "but neither did you."

"Whatever. You didn't answer my question." he pointed out coldly. Hermione huffed in frustration. He was insufferable.

"Well we can't do anything about the chain, so what about your shadow disappearing?" she suggested, trying not to yell.

"Why are you so obsessed with my vampire traits?" he interrogated, crossed his arms and scowled suspiciously.

"Because it's fascinating," she replied bluntly. Having a real life vampire to test things that wasn't going to kill anyone, she hoped, was rather incredible and rare.

He smirked, "You find me fascinating?"

Hermione glared, "The vampire pieces." He opened his mouth to say something, a very mischievous look in his eyes, but something stopped him. Knowing the Slytherin, it was probably something quite inappropriate.

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