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Jaemin opened the car door for me. I glared at him and slumped on the seat, crossing my arm on my chest. He got in to the driver seat and drove us back home.

I stared outside the window and avoided having a conversation with him. I couldn't believe he just dragged me out of the house. He could just asked first.

He tried to hold my hand on my lap but I pulled away. From I could see from the corner of my eyes, he was shocked a bit but tried not to argue.

As the car parked in the garage, I quickly get out of the car before he did. My stomach growled since I hadn't eat my dinner yet so I went straight to the kitchen.

There were a few dishes on the table and it was tempting. Yena walked into the dining room with a small clothes in her hand.

" Oh Hello, Miss. Do you want me to heat up the food? " She asked. I smiled and nodded.

" who cooked it by the way? " I asked as I sat down on my usual seat. Yena took the dishes.

" I cook it for us " He walked into the kitchen. He changed his clothes from his office outfit to a white tee and grey sweatpants.

" It's okay Unnie, I'm full. You can heat the food for him " I rolled my eyes and pointed at Jaemin. I walked passed him and ignored his existence.

He grabbed my wrist to stop me. I sighed and turned my body to face him. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

" what? I'm tired " I stated monotonously.

" Please eat something...I know you're hungry " He sound concerned but I don't care. I yanked my wrist my him and walked to my room.

Half way to my room, Jaemin pulled me by my wrist to his room. He opened the door and let me in him. After that he closed the door behind him.

" what's the matter ,huh? " He cupped my face and bend to my level.

He really had audacity to say that after ruining my time. I could see Mrs.Park dissapointed when he pulled me out of the house and rejected her dinner offer.

" Why you always ruining my happy time? " I asked.

" No I am not. I just worry that people out there will hurt you and do something bad to you. You know I won't let that happen "

" There'sn no one gonna hurt me Jaemin. The person who hurt me is you" He went quiet aftet heard my word.

" the person who take me away from my brothers is you. the person who hurt my best friend is you. I was locked in a room because of you. All the person I cherish are gone because of you " My tears rolled down my cheeks to my shirt. I removed his hand from my cheeks.

" but I thought you were happy with me. There's nobody gonna in our way "

" indeed I am but now I'm not . I thought you've change Jaemin. Joke on me though you gonna change " I scoffed.

" I'm sick of this, Jaemin. I'm so done with all this bullshit" I walked to the exit and slammed the door with a loud bang.

I quickened my pace when I heard he called me. I just didn't wanted to talk with him right now. As soon I walked into my room, I locked the door. My back against the door.

" please angel, let me in. We can talk about it " He pleaded.

" Jaemin, how many time do we have to talk about this? I'm sick of it " I took a deep breath before continued " You promised me that you would stop being possessive but now I believe promise are meant to be broken "

I woke up and looked at the clock that showed 3 am. I went straight to bed after locking myself in the room.

My throat was dry so I decided to grab a glass of water. Washing my face first before walked out of my room.

I shocked when I saw Jaemin sitting next to my room, sleeping. It's a lie if I said that I don't care about him but my ego just control all over me.

" Jaemin...Jaemin wake up " I patted his fluffy black hair.

" Let me sleep please, I waited for my girlfriend all night " He said with his eyes still closed. I suddenly felt guilty with what I've done.

" Just sleep in your room, okay? It's hurt sleeping like this " I ordered. He slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head to meet my eyes. He clung onto my legs and whimper like a baby.

" I wanna sleep with you, pwease "

" no Jaemin, just go back to room. It's 3 in morning right now and you still have work tomorrow " I remarked. He pouted as he stood up then hugged me before went back to his room.

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