Chapter 1: The Begining

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A loud crash abruptly ended the peace of the day. It was immediately followed by the power going out. The thumping that everyone was used to suddenly accelerated extremely quickly only to for it to drop to barely audible.

After getting her balance Ivey runs to check on everyone.

"Is everyone ok? Anyone hurt?" She yells running around checking up on everyone.

"I guess. But what was that? And what the fuck happened." Alex asked already having her balance back. I guess all those years at sea really did pay off.

"It appears that the thumping has stopped." Sebastian says.

"No shit Sherlock!" Jeff the Killer said stumbling out of his room.

"It didn't stop. It just slowed down and got a shit ton quieter." Eyeless Jack said while calmly cleaning up the milk that was spilled.

"I mean his not wrong, but how in the living fuck did you know that?" Jasper says coming down the stairs with lanterns and Ticci Toby.

"No eyes remember? All my other sense are heightened. Dumbass." Ej says while going to the laundry room to throw the towel in the washing machine.

"Well shit it's not like i actually pay attention to you little shit." Jasper said rolling his eyes.

"I will take your goddamn kidneys bitch!" Ej says yelling walking out of the laundry room before they both break out into laughter. Soon Laughing Jack appears from his room and joins in the laughter.

"1..2..3,4..5..6..7..8.." Ivey starts counting everyone to see if anyone's missing.

"Jade." Sebastian says to Ivey.

"What?" Ivey says confused.

"That's whose missing. It Jade."

"Oh. Thanks!" Ivey says smiling as Jade comes down tired and frustrated.

"Why in the FUCKING HELL ARE YOU YELLING WHILE I AM TRYING TO TAKE A GODDAMN NAP!" Jade yelled so loud that everyone heard her.

"LANGUAGE!" Someone yelled from what seemed like the common room.

"Who the fuck was that?" Almost everyone said unanimously.

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