Chapter 3: Sleep Issue

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As everyone fell asleep Technoblade's Totem of Undying activated, making a loud popping sound, illuminating the room and leaving Techno wide awake, glowing. Everyone that wasn't supposed to be there immediately sat up, knowing exactly what it meant.

"What the absolute fu- heck." Jasper says confused.

"We can't log off..."

"And that means...what exactly?" Ej says.

"Hey Sebastian are we almost there?" Ivey says nervously searching for the light room.

"Yes we should be coming upon it soon." Sebastian says calmly grabbing Ivey's hand.

"That's you right?!" Ivey says jumping at someone grabbing her hand.

"Yes, it's just me. No need to worry. Also the room is right here."

"Finally..." Ivey sighs.

"Hey can i have another monster?" Alex whispers to Toby.

"Sure!" Toby whispers back. Alex, Toby, and Slenderman are all sitting on the floor of Jade's room drinking monsters and eating waffles while Jade sleeps.

"We can't sleep." Phil explains. "Which means we need to somehow fix this fast."

"Wait..wait..wait. You mean that no one can sleep right?" Ej says while turning towards Jasper.

"JADE!" They both yell at the same time. They get up and run to Jade's room to see if she's still alive.

"How long do we have?" Skeppy inquired, serious for once.

"Eleven days." Phil replied. "We have eleven days before we'll die of sleep deprivation."

Ej and Jasper started to bang on Jade's door and they see Toby open it.

"Hey is everything ok-" Toby tries to ask before being cut off.

"Is she still alive?!" Ej asks frantically as Jasper goes to check Jade's pulse.

"Is who alive? What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex asks confused.

"Early we met some new people you should really meet them they seem interesting, not the point though. Everyone tried to sleep and we figured out that if you fall asleep your gonna die." Ej tries to explain as quickly as possible. Then they hear a loud smack from the other side of the room.

"Why is the every loving fuck did you wake me up." Jade says angered.

"Ok first OW. And second we figured out that if you fall asleep you how are you still alive?" Jasper says holding his bright red cheek.

"How the hell am i supposed to know?! But that doesn't matter now. We need to figure out a way to get other people to sleep because if y'all can't sleep then that won't do us any good. Alex go loot the other peoples stuff and see what you can find. Remember don't get caught. And bring Laughing Jack to use as an excuse." Jade explains.

"Got it." Alex says leaving the room to go to her room and grab some supplies before heading to the common room.

"Slenderman and Toby i need y'all to go to the library and see if you can figure out what's going on here."

"Ok." Toby and Slenderman both say before heading to the library.

"Ej and Jasper i want y'all to go find Ivey and Sebastian. My guess is that their in the light room. Then send Ivey to the library and send Sebastian to the lab. She'll probably want to go with Sebastian first so just let them both go to the library and when she's with the others just tell him to go to the lab. After you tell them i want y'all to immediately go to the lab. I'll be there too trying to find a solution to this shit. Got it?"

"Ok." They both say.

After Ej and Jasper find Ivey and Sebastian they tell them everything and what they need to do. Then Ej and Jasper head to the lab while Ivey and Sebastian head toward the library.

As Ivey and Sebastian go down the stairs they hear running water.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THERE!" Ivey yells moving closer to Sebastian.


"Wait isn't that the voice we heard yesterday?" Ivey whispered to Sebastian.

"I believe so." Sebastian whispers back as they walk into the room recognizing the voice.

"What's your name?" Ivey asked staring at the glowing eyes.

"I'm Bad, or BadBoyHalo. Who are you?"

"I'm Ivey." She say cautiously.

"And i am Sebastian. By any chance do you have a light source of any kind. This lantern isn't very bright in these big rooms." Sebastian asked politely.

"Actually I do have a light source, but I would recommend that you close your eyes for a second. It's really bright when they first come out." Bad replied.

"Ok." Sebastian and Ivey both say while closing their eyes.

When their eyes were closed he focused on bringing his wings out. It was a lot easier than he thought it would have been. They unfurled and began to glow extremely brightly, they then began to dim to their normal luminosity.

When they opened their eyes Ivey immediately ran over and latched onto Bad. "Can I stay with you? Please..." She begged.

"Sure! But you'll have to come back with me." He said "We have to go though, as in now." He said, putting emphasis on the now.

"Ok.." Ivey said, happy that she has someone to be with.

"I'll come by and drop some books off for you to go through ok. I'll see you in a minute." Sebastian said before disappearing.

He then led Ivey back to the room that held Skeppy, Niki, Eret, and Wilbur. "Do either of you know CPR?" Niki frantically asked the two that entered the room.

"Sebastian knows CPR! He said that he'll be back here in a minute. So it should just be a few more seconds." Just as Ivey finishes her sentence Sebastian shows up out of nowhere holding a tower of books. He overheard the beginning of the conversation and went over to Niki to offer his assistance.

"So what are we looking for exactly?" Laughing Jack asks Alex.

"Anything that you think would help us figure out what is going on. Also remember is any asks what we're doing here just go his and I'll say that we were playing hide and seek."

"I got it."

Just then there was another alert.


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