Chapter 4: First Night

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Everyone rushed to their room, but didn't sleep. They couldn't.  They knew that if they did that would be it.

In the lab when Ej and Jasper walk in they notice Jade already trying to figure out how to fix the sleeping problem.

"That doesn't sound natural." Ej says pointing in the direction of the sound.

"It doesn't look natural either." Jasper added.

"Ok? What's your point?"

"Where did it come from?" Ej asks intrigued.

"It's from my world. Come and help me figure out solutions. You can use anything from your worlds. I am using magic alright? Now get off my back and help." Jade demands.

"Sheesh. Defensive much?" Jasper mutters.

"Alex?" Laughing Jack says as he taps her shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" Alex answers.

"I hear people."

"Do you think that the other people actually listened to the alarm?" Alex says still searching through the chests.

"They could have. Maybe they were worried that they would make something worse." Laughing Jack replies peering through the crack in the door.

"I don't care. I need to figure out what happened so i can get back to Rose." Said Alex, while getting up and going to search through draws.

"Are you finding anything?"

"It just looks like there are maps and whatever these pearl thingies are." Alex said while holding up and ender pearl.

"Hey i know what that is!" Laughing Jack says excitedly, "It's an ender pearl. They use it in Minecraft. You occasionally get it after you kill an Enderman. They let you teleport when you throw it."

"Jesus Fucking Christ! How the hell do you know this?!"

"First keep your voice down. We don't want anyone knowing that we are here. Second, i was literally made to be a little kids best friend. Trust me i know what I'm talking about."

"Ok then let's grab all of this. You get the ender pearls and I'll get the maps." Alex says grabbing as many maps as she can. Laughing Jack goes over and takes half of the ender pearls.

"Alright let's head back before we get caught." Alex says and Laughing Jack nods.

As they walk down the hallway they here someone.

"Who's there?"

"Did he just draw his goddamn sword?" Alex whispers to Laughing Jack.

"I think so." He replies.

"Depends on who the fuck we're talking to!" Alex yells while drawing her sword.

"Oh so you want to fight now do you?" The stranger said.

"Let's go bitch." Alex says getting ready.

"Let's go Alex! Beat the shit outta him!" Laughing Jack says cheering in the back.

"Techno! No sparring. We don't have the time." Someone said, stepping out of the room to Techno's right.

"Fine. But we'll have to fight later." He said, turning around and walking away.

"Deal." Alex muttered before going back to their side.

"Alright I'll give you some maps and you give me some pearls. You can go to the lab and I'll go to the library.

Everyone is thinking the exact same thing. "What do you think the other side is doing? Maybe it would be better to work together?"

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