Chapter 3: Sleep Issue

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As everyone fell asleep Technoblade's Totem of Undying activated, making a loud popping sound, illuminating the room and leaving Techno wide awake, glowing. Everyone that wasn't supposed to be there immediately sat up, knowing exactly what it meant.

"What the absolute fu- heck." Jasper says confused.

"We can't log off..."

"And that means...what exactly?" Ej says.

"We can't sleep." Phil explains. "Which means we need to somehow fix this fast."

"How long do we have?" Skeppy inquired, serious for once.

"Eleven days." Phil replied. "We have eleven days before we'll die of sleep deprivation."

"Wait..wait..wait. You mean that no one can sleep right?" Ej says while turning towards Jasper.

"Jade!" They both yell at the same time. They get up and ran out of the room, presumably to see if she's still alive.

Techno got up, dragging PhilZa with him. Tommy and Tubbo, wanting to help, and knowing what what they were doing, followed close behind.

Eret's heart was beating faster than it ever had before. He was still shocked, he could barely breath and was worried that he would die. Reaching over to Niki he tried to speak, to communicate what he was thinking, and he failed. Niki saw his face and knew what was happening.

"Eret!" Niki gasped.

Eret made barely managed some kind of sound that barely sounded like the word "help"

"Wait what's happening!" Bad shuffled over wanting to help.

"I'm not sure but I believe that this might be a heart attack." Was Niki's response.

"Oh my goodness! What can I do to help?"

"Get a cloth. Make sure it's damp, I'll stay here."

"Alright." And with that Bad left the room, leaving Skeppy behind. Skeppy, being himself scaled Eret's arm and began to pat his back, even if he couldn't reach very far.

Meanwhile Niki was doing her best to keep Eret calm. Wilbur was sat in the corner, still attempting to process what was going on.

BBH had reached the kitchen and was running water over the cloth.

"Who the fuck is there?" Someone Bad wasn't familiar with yelled from down the hall.

"Language!" Bad retaliated. Just after that the person appeared in the opening that led out of the room. She was with someone that was about a foot taller than her.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Bad, or BadBoyHalo. Who are you?"

"I'm Ivey."

"And I am Sebastian. By any chance do you have a light source of any kind. This lantern isn't very bright in these big rooms."

"Actually I do have a light source, but I would recommend that you close your eyes for a second. It's really bright when they first come out." Bad replied.

"Ok." Sebastian and Ivey said, closing their eyes.

When their eyes were closed he focused on bringing his wings out. It was a lot easier than he thought it would have been. They unfurled and began to glow extremely brightly, they then began to dim to their normal luminosity.

When they opened their eyes Ivey immediately ran over and latched onto Bad. "Can I stay with you? Please..." She begged.

"Sure! But you'll have to come back with me." He said "We have to go though, as in now." He said, putting emphasis on the now.

He then led Ivey back to the room that held Skeppy, Niki, Eret, and Wilbur. "Do either of you know CPR?" Niki frantically asked the two that entered the room.

Just then Sebastian walked in, he quickly set the books he was carrying down and rushed to Niki, offering assistance.

"Do you know CPR?"

"Yes I do."

"Please do something! He's dying!" Niki half demanded.

"As you wish." He then kneeled down and began CPR on Eret.

Bad reached over them and picked Skeppy up, placing him on his shoulder.

Sebastian stood, "He should be okay now. Call for me if you need me." He said before walking out of the room.


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