74. Staying Sane In The Snow

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CHAPTER 74: Staying Sane In The Snow

I give the camera shot a long look, my head clouded in the wind, my focus on Edmund, who was caressing the phone in his hand. I turned to Talon, "We're going in."

Rules are for those who believe obeying them will win them a golden ticket towards Wonderland. My rule was to stay sane in the snow, which is once again a tremendously colossal problem when Edmund Tiberius Creed-the man I hope to call my husband one day-is stuck in a psychiatric institution run by the bastards who tried to hurt him, is now under the impression I am a fabricated voice used to taunt him in his cell.

Talon grumbles behind me as I ready my gun, removing the snow hood over my face, along with the dark mask, trudging through the snow. I count five guards in front of the door I had scheduled to open in exactly the twenty minutes Iris and Lyndon have to gather every child taken from their homes once again, and brought back to this infestation.

"This is the stupidest plan 'B' I've ever fucking heard of in my life, Melanie. In my entire life." Talon spits in irritation. He whispers in emphasis to his words, readying his gun as I watch the snow hills ahead, making sure to keep an eye out for what Brandon promised would be coming.

I give him a dark look, "Do you have a better idea?" I say to him, silently wishing I was partnered with Erik, before realizing the thirst to punch him in the face became about as prominent as Marvin wishing I leave my boyfriend out here.

He was joking.

...I think.

"Stick to the plan we made before. They have it under control. Going in there will make this entire process far longer than it needs to be. Whatever they've injected them with, it's a trial. They used Merritt, Atlas, and Knox as trials." He whispers, duping his head on the cemented rock behind him as I look back over to watch the guards move in rotation, not even a few seconds in this entrance. It's not even one of the main bloody entrances.

I glance at the sound of steam puffing out of a rustic old vent, yellow water dripping down the wall. Talon is quick to dodge one that spat right out of the vent. I glance over at him. He gives me a dark look, "No freaking way am I getting in that way." He says to me.

I holster my gun, "Yes, you will." I point towards it.

He gives the vent an undignified look, "You're delusional, find another way in, or I'm shooting those guards. Honestly, we have to get them to move away eventually. What do you plan to do when that time comes?" He asks me.

I raise an eyebrow before grabbing his shoulder, "I need you to create a distraction." I tell him, grabbing both his guns, one he'd hidden. He gives me a confused look, furrowed eyebrows and all, before I shove him out in the open, and sirens begin blaring with a great big torch out on his form.

Talon's eyes widen in astonishment before his pissed-off eyes meet mine as he's shoved to the snow floor, "Thought you could escape, kid." The guard holding him spits, shoving a taser into Talon's back. I watch with a raised eyebrow as Talon's unconscious form is trudged through the snow. Alright...I honestly didn't think they would taser him for that, but it allows me to run straight through the open field while guards are focused on those bringing Talon back inside.

I knew where I needed to go before planning out the field, the ground vent was larger and less dirty, but I needed that distraction to pull off unscrewing the vent opening. I attached harness ropes after drilling them into the snow floor as an anchor. I hurriedly slide down the vent, using the harness to do so quietly, using my gloves and hands against the wall to move swiftly. It reached another vent door, just above what looked to be a strange factory. I unclip the harness once I've landed on the vent structure, hidden by boxed lights facing below, where rows of children were lined up. The room wasn't large, but it was large enough to fit fifty of them, along with ten guards and one station, where a small medical cup is used with some set of pills inside. I watched closely as they were forced to swallow, no water...just the pills.

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