51. The Day After

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CHAPTER 51: The Day After

The rain scorched the glass windows of the hotel room. Neither one of us slept. The entire night was so very strange. Muscles I didn't even know I had were aching; my limbs felt well-spent as I stared up at the ceiling. Edmund meets my eyes. I still sink into those impossible silver irises that stare at me differently now. He cups my cheek softly, "I love you." He murmurs, staring into my eyes. I smile, nuzzling my nose with his as I move in closer, sliding my forearms around his, giggling as he groans when I flush my exposed body against his.

He connects his forehead with mine, shocking me when he sits up with me in his lap. He embraces me tightly, hands trembling down my spine. I give him a cautious look, "Are you alright?" I whisper, massaging his neck for a long time. He just held me as close as possible when we couldn't quite go on any longer.

"I just love you, Melanie Myers." He whispers, skimming his cheekbone mine as he hunches his broad shoulders around me, his biceps skimmed under my own arms as I lean my elbows on his shoulders, tracing my forefinger along the short pitch black strands atop his head.

I smile shyly, "I just love you, Edmund Creed." I whisper to him. For a while, he had lied there, holding me indescribably carefully, embracing me closely when we were both far too out of breath to form words. For a good two hours, I couldn't move even a little, but this feeling-sated, tender, intimate-Edmund leaned back slowly, his silver eyes tracing mine.

That's before his entire face drops. Cheeks turn paler as he chokes, gasps and whimpers all at once and drops onto his back with great momentum. I widen my eyes as I move the sheet around me, my bare skin slicing against the cold, "What's wrong?" I ask him hurriedly.

He shoots back up, scaring me as he tries to move part of the sheet around my abdomen, "What are you doing?" I shriek at his movements when he roughly moves my hips back. I keep the sheet around my lower half and over my chest as his fingers skim against my toned abdomen. He stares down at the skin there.



He thought I might have been...

I hurriedly told him when I noticed his eyes turn glassy-I'd seen him cry before-but this was different. It silenced me just watching him wheeze a little and cry more, "Melanie..." He croaks out.

I grab his hand quickly, "No, Edmund-" He cuts me off.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think properly about using protection. I was so...consumed with everything else. Melanie...Melanie, what if you're pregnant already? It could be our baby growing in there...Holy hell......Little lemon. I do want a little lemon, baby." He says, whispers, and he gives me a bright, wide-eyed happy look. Well, that took an interesting turn.

I sigh in defeat, "Edmund, there are chemical injections that can prevent a female from developing a fertile egg even if met with fertile sperm. Prevention from maturing into a baby. I have that injection, and it will last me another year before choosing to or not to get another one." I whisper to him, cupping the side of his face when his eyes slowly trail up to mine.

He takes a deep breath, "For a second, I could just..." He struggles with his words.

I swallow, "Edmund, and I am still young." I murmur.

He nods slowly, "I know that. I just-have you ever imagined us like that? As parents?" He murmurs in question.

I look into his eyes, "A little lemon?" I say, smiling softly into his eyes as his cheeks taint red slightly, the pink hue that had drawn such colour against his pale skin.

He wets his dry lips and swallows, nodding against my forehead. I give him a tender look, "Maybe in a couple of years." I whisper. He embraces me closer under the blanket, pulls the sheet from my skin, and squeezes me flush to his chest as he lies back down. I trail my fingertip along his collarbone.

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