14. Frowned Upon By The Gods

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CHAPTER 14: Frowned Upon By The Gods

It is early Wednesday morning, I sit perched on the slope of grass before it turns to quiet sand on the lake surface, I glance over, and towards Sylvan Point, it faces the Academy perfectly. The silent echo of the water allowed me to hear even the rain that was only half an hour away, according to the weather report on my phone. My red trench coat was buttoned tight down my centre line, and the wind bristled my curls, but I was hardly focusing on that as I searched for a good vantage point on where to meet Maven.

He seemed genuine, but still, I could not trust him.

I couldn't feel eyes on my form until he had stopped five metres behind me and was quiet. I raise an eyebrow, "What is it, Professor Forthright?" His cologne was distinctive and musky, something I didn't like. I preferred the fresh waterfall kind...the one Edmund uses.

"How did you guess? I thought I was quiet enough." He says in consideration before walking closer until he steps in next to me. I look away from Sylvan Point and out through the middle of the two hills surrounding the lake. He wears a fresh, tailored suit.

"No one can ever be too quiet. What do you want?" I ask flatly. Not delving into complete rudeness, I wasn't overjoyed he had joined me.

"I was hoping you'd be in better spirits than the last we met." He says, turning to my profile. I glance over to note his hidden expression. Only his eyes soften once they meet mine.

I raise an eyebrow, "You assumed I was referring to you, 'specific individual.'" I say. He clenches his jaw.

"It did seem like it. Who were you on the phone with? Had to have been someone personal if they asked whether or not you were stressed." He asks me, wondering aloud. I hold the urge to roll my eyes. Folding my gloved hands into my pockets, I turn towards the pathway that leads to the bridge towards the stone cliffs above.

"I'd rather not say. Privacy reasons." I mutter. He matches step with me. His dark strands were seemingly gelled back.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Did you attend a function or something like that?" I wonder.

He blinks, "I'd rather not say. Privacy reasons." He murmurs, grinning to himself, but I merely look out to the water, uninterested.

After five minutes of assuming I'd bite back and look for the answer, he sighs in defeat, "Teacher conference with the board. I just finished mine. They're happy for me to continue my work." He says cheerfully.

I snap at him, and he grins wolfishly down at me. I purse my lips, "The school board knows the depth of interrogation you use on students and have approved, is that not odd? Given no other school I know of will comply with such illegally devoted work?" I wonder if he stopped before me, but I had already anticipated it, and I effectively stopped in my place.

Looking up at him, he stares down at me, "What are you getting at? There are many schools with guidance counselling open to all students."

I raise an eyebrow at his blatantly obvious statement, "They're not compulsory, Professor Forthright. I'd like to know, must you have the knowledge of every detail in a specific student's life, or do you treat your work...like a game?" I ask him, taking a step back when he takes one forward.

He narrows his eyes, "No, I don't. What brought up these kinds of questions? You were far more...relaxed last we spoke." He says, eyes glinting in some sort of knowledge or deranged thought that I didn't like. I begin walking past him, but he again matches my stride along the bridge.

"You attempted to hypnotize me last we spoke regarding this," I mutter.

He chuckles darkly, "How can I forget? You did indulge me in that time, and your acting was quite the performance, Melanie. You almost had me convinced...all you had to do, or not do, was compliment Edmund to such a high extent. Who knew you had fallen so gullibly for his tricks." He spits at me, looking straight ahead with narrowed eyes.

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