At the Washingtons'

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Alex POV

I carried John up the carpeted, wooden stairs. He was still crying into my shirt and I didn't have the heart to stop him. How long had this been happening? Why this on top of the bullying? Why did he not tell anyone? Why didn't he tell me? You've only known him a day, stupid.
"A-Alex?" Oh shit, how long had I been zoned out? I'm so rude.
"Sorry, I was just thinking. What did you say?"
"I just asked if you could put me down?" A small blush creeped over his face. He is adorable!
"Oh Yeah sure, you ok now?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry you had to see that...."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," He put him gently onto the bed then sat next to him.
"Do you want me to get George to bring some of your stuff back?"
"I.... uh........ I-I don't have much stuff......"
"It's not a problem, he won't mind."
"I-I'm wearing my only stuff......"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know! Here!" Damn Alex, that was a dumb move. I threw a t-shirt in his face. I'm such a idiot (I agree) not helping, author! (What else am I meant to do?) make me not look an idiot? (Can't do that, sorry. Bye!) Author! Anyway, a awkward silence filled the room.
"S-sorry!" Now it was my turn to stutter.
"It's ok, c-can we watch a movie?"
"Of course, you can pick one," I watched him look through the Disney collection. I have the complete collection and I'm proud of it. It was given to me by The Washingtons for my birthday, and it was one of my first ever birthday presents. Let me explain, George and Martha adopted me when I was 15 after a hurricane hit my island. They are always kind to me and I am very grateful for them. A lot of my previous parents have been mean and sometimes violent. But enough about me, he returned a few minutes later with the dvd of Mulan.
"I-it reminds me of my mum....." This was the first time he had spoken about his mum.
"I didn't see her today, was she working?"
"N-no......." Realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Oh shit, John, that was so inconsiderate! Come here," I pulled him into a tight hug, "how about you set up the movie and I'll go get skittles and starburst (Ssheowberri_13 you know what mean.....)!"
About half an hour later, John started singing along to the man in the film. His voice sounded good, like professional. I wasn't paying attention to the song, something about making a man out of someone. It made my heart flutter to see him happy. You're probably shouting at your phone or laptop, maybe along the lines of "You've only known for 37 hours!". First, weridly specific. Second, I know I've have only known him for almost two days, no need to remind me. But I have fallen hard for him. HARD. I'm fucking helpless. Knowing my luck, he's probably straight. Even if he is gay/bi/pan/other, why on earth would he like me? I'm just a messy, carribean bi-sexual who he barely knows. It wasn't possible.

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