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Roughly forty eight hours succeeding the interview it has been edited and published. Plastered across the front page of the fresh wave of newspapers dispersed across New York.

Inevitably her boss was thrilled to be met with yet another successful sale, praising her effort, dedication and resilience. Though her mind has been plagued with nothing but his face since the interview.

From the way he spoke so nonchalantly about taking innocent lives to the way his eyes bore into her soul, it has kept her on edge ever since she departed the prison. Prior to the day she'd considered every possible scenario, like most people would, though nothing could have prepared her for the real thing.

It was unmissable the way he stared at her. The unreadable glints that shot through his dark eyes as she noticeably struggled to look elsewhere. Precisely like his helpless victims as their own lives slipped through their fingers.

What truly makes her shudder is the endless possibilities for what could have been raging through his mind at the time. Perhaps he was forming a plan on how to add her to the list. Picturing her begging to be spared.

She'd rather not dwell on it.

Sierra exits the break room with papers hot off the printer and some new mail in her hands. Sifting through the envelopes on her journey back to her office.

When she first started she was ecstatic to have such a huge office on the tenth floor of the impressive skyscraper. Eager to decorate her space, elated to work her way up the scale with every column and article.

Friendly smiles are exchanged between herself and an acquaintance when he passes by with an empty mug in need of more coffee.

"Morning, Sierra."

"Morning, Eric." She kindly replies, letting the mahogany door close itself behind her while surveying one of the envelopes closely.

A sharp inhale filters through the air as a hand clamps over her mouth from behind, the papers cascading at her feet. She doesn't dare moveー not even an inch. Not when something cool presses against her temple.

"Scream, or even think about calling for help and I put a bullet in your brain. Got it?"

A rapid nod of her head to prove she understands. The hand slowly retracts, testing the waters. When she keeps her lips sealed he steps away entirely.

Wide eyes following the tall man who now occupies the space in front of her, towering above her frame like a building in his six foot glory.

"I read your article this morning. Can't say I approve of you digging up the past, especially when it involves my brother." Eyes swirling with alluring darkness, they look so alike. "Why'd you visit him?" 

"Kaden." Is all she can murmur. The older of the two, suspected but never caught unlike his other half.

"Perceptive. Now answer the question."

Yet she continues to gape. His gaze is just as captivating as his brother's. Thick hair swooped back by a simple run of his fingers through it, dark brown like melted chocolate. Barely visible freckles dusted across his nose and blue-grey eyes that pierce into her soul.

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