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Suffering from many failed attempts at drifting off to sleep, Sierra kicks the covers back with a sigh of defeat. It's impossible to switch off her brain when it constantly replays her argument with Kaden earlier.

As opposed to staring aimlessly into darkness she takes to wandering downstairs where the devil himself is in the front room. Distracting his raging mind by exercising. Her head shakes as she travels into the kitchen in search of something to drink.

Pausing his press-ups to watch the journalist plop into the armchair with her legs dangling over the armrest, she sends an identical judgemental glance his way.

"It's my house I can do what I want." She brings the bottle of wine to her lips. Spending so much time with a killer has taken its toll on her already. He arches a brow, inspecting her with his arms draped over his knees. "You want some or something?"

"I don't drink."

"I didn't until I met you."

"Don't do drugs either. Not one for poisoning my body."

"Well not all of us are blessed with good genes." She remarks and gulps down another mouthful. He perches on the edge of the sturdy coffee table to her right. "If you plan on getting mad at me again I'm really not in the mood. Can't say being berated by a suspected murderer is much fun."

"I wasn't mad at you."

"Must've just been your face then."

"I don't like talking about my past. I don't like talking about myself in general. I don't let people in because the last time that happened people got hurt. You can't expect me to open up to you just because you feel insecure about this."

She sighs. "It was unfair of me to put you on the spot. I shouldn't have said those things. But put yourself in my shoes. You know probably everything there is to know about me but you're still a stranger."

"Trust me, you want to keep it that way."

"How dark and twisted do you really think you are? I knew who you were before you broke into my office but did you catch me running for the hills?"

"You should've."

"You'd have put a bullet in my brain, remember."

"No I wouldn't."

"You don't seem like the type to make empty threats."

"It's complicated."

She nods, licking her lips. "Your brother said you get attached." His eyes drift shut, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "Has this happened before? Has there been other women like me?"

"No woman I've met has come even close to you."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" He stays silent and she releases a bated breath. "If I were to leave right nowー if I were to get in my car and drive away without telling you where I'm going, what would you do? Would you hunt me down? Have your guys track me?"


"What about before? When you showed up on my doorstep and demanded I help you."

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