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Hesitant fingertips float above the keyboard. Restless eyes bouncing over the bright screen to the title of the new article.

The Ink On My Skin Sierra Cosima.

Three months ago I was presented with the opportunity to meet with New York's notorious serial killer, Grayson Roman, whose story dominated the internet since it was revealed that he was responsible for taking the lives of over two dozen people.

Two days later his older brother, Kaden, broke into my office and held me at gunpoint. He threatened to end my life should I return to the prison. When he later appeared at my home, I did what most people would do when placed in a situation as paralysing as that: I agreed to help him.

I feared for my life. Except it was not his brutal nature or absence of emotion that terrified me. It was how quickly he could change. How easily he lured me into his trap, how easily I fell for his tricks only for him to revert to his cold, unfeeling self in the blink of an eye.

I knew I was dancing with death. Dangling my own life between us, waiting for the devil to seal my fate.

I was not alone. Their rival, Emilia Odette, strived to make my life hell too. She succeeded. She broke into my home, attacked me, stalked me with the help of her friends one of whom later hospitalised me.

They wanted to send a message. To make it clear that I was not allowed to be near the Romans. But I could not escape. Between the terror that Grayson instilled in me and my delusional beliefs that I could somehow change Kaden, I was trapped.

Grayson will always be a cold-hearted killer and Kaden will forever be a cunning trickster. Alone they are impossible to escape from, but together they are unstoppable.

To those who are reading this, heed my words. Do not follow in my footsteps. I made a decision and I am still burdened with the consequences which I fear I may never be free of.

This is a warning to those damned enough to share my misfortune. Should you encounter them, alone or together, run. It is too late for me but it is not too late for you.

I fell for a lie, and it blossomed like ink on my skin. I wear the scars, both physical and not, which serve as a painful reminder of how things can turn so wrong so quickly.

Kaden Roman was and is a man of secrets, but upon reflection, I realise I am the same; I have secrets of my own. Ones that would never have happened without him.

Now I lie awake at night listening to the silence. Waiting to hear footsteps because I know they are out there. Somewhere. Hidden from the police who are on the verge of giving up the search.

They are above the law. Too good at what they do. They have mastered the art of killing and that alone should be enough to petrify even the toughest of people in this world.

I live in fear because I know they will come back for me. I know too much and they know that knife did not end my existence. I was fortunate to survive that haunting night. But it left me wondering why that is the case. Perhaps I am destined for something more.

Regardless of what my purpose is, I will never stop fighting. For you, for myself, for the poor souls they took. When they will return for me is beyond my knowledge. But what I do know for certain is, like the tattoos which stained his skin, he will forever stain mine.

Saving the final draft and hitting send, she watches it disappear in the email labelled as confidential. Sierra takes a small breath. Sits perfectly still so she can listen to every noise.

The occasional car driving past. The chatter of passers-by. The odd dog barking from further down the street.

Then the doorbell chimes.

Her round eyes lift from the screen.

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