Fire & Ice

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I remember the voice of me screaming for my mom when I was just five.
I was confused as to why she was giving me up.
But then I remembered.
She called me a curse to this land.
Once my powers started to form I was just five, I had turned the whole house into ice.
After that I went to foster home to foster home until these people with lab coats took me away from society.
They were supposedly tracking me for awhile now. And now my home is this glass cage they keep me in.
I was a lab rat to them.
They wanted to use me in wars or take my power for themselves.
"Hey! Stay back!" This guy says approaching me in a big lab coat with a needle in his other hand.
I look up scared not knowing what to do.
I try moving away from him but he grabs my arm sticking the needle inside.
"N-o please sto-
I felt everything spinning and my head pounding. I could feel my heart beat and my eyes begin to close.
Before I closed my eyes I noticed a boy in cuffs with other lab people approaching with him.
But everything went black and I fell down onto the floor.
A hour later
"Hello? Are you alive?" I slowly open up my eyes noticing a boy about my age looking down at me.
"Stay back!!" I quickly move back turning the whole cage into ice.
"Woah this is so cool!" He just stood there looking fascinated at what I had done.
"Why are you here." I didn't want to let my guard down.
"I don't know I was just put in here with you! I like this new cage! Can I stay with you?" He just looked at me with a excited expression that appeared on his face.
I stare at him for a second. He had dark brown hair with a bit of red mixed in with it.
His eyes were a light brown color but if you stared too long it felt like you were somewhere else.
"So can I?!" He asks again impatiently.
"If you would like." I reply back with a low voice
"I'm Jac-
He tries to say his name but he slips on the ice as he tried walking towards me.
"This is so cool!!!!!!" He says spinning around on the ice.
I giggle looking down at him.
"I'm Jacob!! I'm also 12!" He says to me still spinning on the ice.
"Im Sophia. I'm 11." I was admiring at how happy he was. Why was he so happy? We don't have any freedom.
"That's a nice name!!" He smiled at me as he keeps spinning around on the ice.
"I can't get rid of the ice so if you want to stay it has to stay like that sadly." I say to him.
He stops and looks at me.
"I can fix that!" He pushes himself up on the ice.
His hair began to go on flames and his hands produced flames.
He gently reaches down touching the ice on the ground but the flames were too much.
It started spreading towards me like flames in a hurry to just take over you.
"Jacob!" I scream pushing myself against the glass.
No. No. I can't control it. "Help!!! Someone help!!!" Jacob shouts pounding on the glass.
I notice the only note my mother had given to me fell into the flames.
"No!!!" Please no. I quickly put my hands over Jacob and the flames shooting snow everywhere.
"Ah!!" Jacob shouts falling onto the floor.
The fire on his head disappears.
"Jacob? What's wrong?!" I didn't understand why he was hurting.
"The snow it hurt me!" He shouts as he tries wiping the snow off him.
"I'm sorry let me help." I approach almost touching him with my hand.
He quickly stands up and moves away from me.
"Are you crazy?! I kill everything and everyone I touch!" He says as the flames on his head appear again. "Wait. Put the snow on my hair again."
"The snow? I'll hurt you." Why was he asking such a silly question when he obviously knows I could hurt him too.
"Just do it! Come on please!" He begs.
"Look you asked for it." I roll my eyes. I shoot the snow directly at him.
"Ah! Gosh that burns!" He shouts clutching his fist together.
"I'm so sorry!" I felt bad I didn't understand why he was asking me to do such a thing.
He un stiffs his fist and vegans moving towards me.
"What are you doing!! Are you trying to kill me?!" I shout moving back away from him.
"No wait." He tries coming closer.
I try pushing myself away from him closing my eyes tight but he grabs my pinky with his.
I notice I wasn't burnt.
That it didn't hurt at all.
I open my eyes and look down seeing his pinky wrapped around mine.
I look at him.
"It worked." He chuckles as a smile appears on his face. He gently lets go of my pinky with his moving away from me as his flames appear back on his hair.
"You're crazy." I say thinking of all the possibilities that could've happened if that didn't work.
I then notice the burnt paper of my name that my mother had given me when she had given me up just laying on the ground.
I bend down to it poking at it.
"I'm sorry I burn everything I touch. It was the first time that I didn't when I touched you." He says looking down at me.
"It's okay." I was hurt that the only thing that I had from my mother was gone. But I couldn't bring it back now.
I gently lay on the cold floor.
Jacob bends down towards me as he lays next to me looking into my eyes.
"One day we will escape this." He says as I just stare at him.
I bring my pinky a little towards his.
"Promise?" I just wanted to leave this glass cage one day.
"Snow." He chuckles
I giggle a little and shoot snow at his face and his hair.
"Ouch!! That wasn't fair!" He says grumpily.
I burst out laughing.
"Whatever." He grabs my pinky fast and interlocks mine with his for a second letting go before he could hurt me.
"Goodnight Jacob." I gently close my eyes
"Goodnight Sophia." He replies back in a soft voice before he closes his eyes too.

Fire boy & Ice girl Where stories live. Discover now