Ice boy and Fire girl

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        I was finally 16 and I was so excited that I was.
Jacob already was 17 and he liked to brag that he was a year older then me all the time.
I went out near the pond to see Jacob just standing there.
"Hey Jacob!" I say excitedly.
He didn't respond to me nor say anything.
"Okay look I'm getting you back before you get me!" I quickly take off my glove and shoot snow directly at him.
"Ouch! What the heck Sophia!!!" Jacob shouts turning around annoyed.
"I was just playing around.." I didn't understand why he was so grumpy with me all the time.
"Well clearly I didn't want to be hit with snow!" He says rolling my eyes.
Tammy and Melanie came outside to see why we were both yelling.
"Okay you two let's just get inside now." Melanie says trying to calm us both down.
"Well tell Sophia not to throw stuff at me anymore!" Jacob says grumpily.
"I apologized already I'm sorry." I felt bad for just trying to have fun or make him laugh.
I missed when he use to laugh.
"Yeah whatever Sophia." Jacob says giving me the cold eye.
He was about to go inside but I started to cry.
He stops quickly realizing that I was.
"Your such a jerk! I have feelings too you know. All I've been trying to do for the past year is make you laugh or do something to make you happy again. If your that bothered being here with us then why don't you just leave!" I started to feel tears form down my face.
"Sophia." Jacob says in a soft voice.
I didn't care what he had to say I just wanted to get out of here.
I run as fast as I could towards the woods where the tree house was.
I didn't understand why he acted like that.
It makes me think I did something wrong.
He keeps trying to push me away when I just want to be there for him.
I rush up the stairs of the tree house as tears fell down my check.
As I finally reach the top of the tree house I notice there was someone there.
"Hello? Are you okay?" I ask cautiously noticing he was crying too.
He turns around smiling and points behind me.
I turn around quickly seeing another guy standing there.
But it wasn't just any guy..
It was them.
They found us again.
I froze for a second not knowing what to do.
He grabs my arms quickly and sticks a needle in me.
"Ahhh!!!" I scream hoping for someone to come for me.
I try pulling away or using my powers but it was useless the gloves had stopped me from using them.
And before I could I had blacked out.
Time went by and what had seemed like hours was only minutes.
I woke up in a cage with my hands cuffed.
They were all surrounding me making sure I went nowhere.
I try kicking the bars but it was useless.
They had gotten me.
I was still weak for whatever they put in me.
"Sophia!!!" I hear a familiar voice shout.
I look over and see Jacob standing there on the right in pure shock.
I felt dizzy with my head pounding.
But I could see Jacob get angry and I could see flames appearing everywhere around him.
"Let. Her. Go!!!" Jacob shouts as fire goes directly at the people.
The tree house began to burn and Jacob was getting out of control.
The flames began to burn the trees and not far after the fire was going directly towards me.
I began coughing uncontrollably.
"Jacob." I try calling for him as the smoke began to clog up my lungs.
He couldn't hear me because he was too focused on anger.
The fire was getting too much I couldn't stay here any longer.
I push my self towards the other side of the cage because of the flames coming towards me.
"Jacob!!!" I scream.
He looks over and notices what was happening.
What he he was doing.
He knew he had lost control.
"Sophia." I saw worry in his eyes.
He try's coming to me but the people began throwing water on him.
"Ahhhh!!" He began yelling in pain.
"Stop it! Stop it! Your hurting him!" I shout.
The fire was becoming too close and I couldn't barely breathe through the smoke.
But in just a few seconds ice began to shoot down towards the fire.
"Jack get her out of here now!!" I hear a girl yell from the trees.
Someone jumps in front of the cage startling me.
But he looked like me.
He had my powers.
I didn't understand.
"Move back." He says shooting ice at the cage door breaking it open.
He comes in breaking the cuffs around me.
I could barely move.
I was too weak.
"You can trust me." He says to me in a sincere voice as he gently lifts me up in his arms.
I wrap my arms around him.
He started running away from the fire and Jacob.
"N-o Jacob." I say mumbling my words.
"Olivia will take care of him. He will be okay." He says as he looks down at me.
*with Jacob*
"Ahh! Stop!" I shout in pain.
"You heard him didn't you? He said stop!!!" Olivia shouts swinging down from the trees blasting flames at them all.
I look up noticing a girl just like me had the same powers.
"Who are yo-
"No talking! Just fighting!" She shouts swinging the flames everywhere.
"Got it." I didn't need to question her I just knew I should trust her.
We began to go in sync throwing fire balls at everything.
But the guy who had taken Sophia showed up.
"Olivia!" He shouts at her.
"What the hell Jake, what are you doing here?!" Olivia shouts back trying to keep fighting without getting distracted.
"His friend I brought she isn't looking too good." Jake says looking a bit worried.
I freeze noticing that he was talking about Sophia.
I stop what I was doing and rush up to Jake.
"What's wrong with her?" As the flames on me disappear as I put on my gloves.
"She just passed out I'm not sure what's wrong she won't wake up. I took her back to the cottage Tammy and Melanie are watching her." He replies back.
When he said that I felt my heart drop.
I could hear him telling me that it shouldn't be that serious but all I knew is that I had to go to  her.

Fire boy & Ice girl Where stories live. Discover now