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       A few moments later I was back at the cottage rushing inside.
"Where's Sophia?!" I burst in seeing Tammy and Melanie on the couch.
"She's in her room but-
I didn't care what else she had to say I rush towards Sophia's room. I had so many thoughts going through my head.
I push open her door and that's when I saw her just laying on her bed.
"Jacob?" He had woken me. I felt my head pounding and I could feel my heart racing.
"Sophia. Are you okay?!" I bend down beside her bed.
"They found us." I couldn't hold it in anymore tears start to form down my face.
"I won't let them hurt you! Nor will they put us back in a cage!" I could feel myself heat up with anger.
"Jacob your gloves." I look down and I had noticed his flames were going right through them.
Jacob knew in that moment that he had lost control. He lost how to handle his emotions.
And he lost how to handle the flames.
"I can't I just can't be here right now." I panic and rush out of the room.
I rush back into the living room.
"Jacob." Melanie looks down and notices his hands were still on flames even with the gloves on.
"What's wrong with her?!" I shout hoping to get answers because by now she should be better.
"I'm going to need you to come calm down." Jake says calmly as he knew he had to get the snow ready for any movement of Jacob's.
"Jacob we've already told you that you had to stay away from her you can't control your flames anymore. You are going to hurt her." Melanie try's saying calmly trying not to anger Jacob anymore then he is.
"I've been pushing her away because of you! She is in this mess because I pushed her away!" I shout as more flames start to sworn around me.
"I warned you." Jake says as he shoots the snow at him making his flames disappear.
"Ahhh!!" Jacob shouts in pain.
"Stop it!" Olivia shouts getting in front of Jacob. "First of all, Jake what the hell that hurts him!"
"He was losing control." Jake says.
Olivia becomes on flames.
"Then do it to me. I'm clearly on flames. I could hurt you. Do it!" Olivia shouts.
"Olivia stop there's a different." Jake sighs.
I quickly grab Jacob's hand.
"You are also in the wrong for telling him to push her away." I quickly walk out of the room with Jacob's hand in mine.
We didn't say anything but walk into the woods.
A few minutes pass by and Jacob finally decides to talk.
"Where are we going." He asks silently.
"Look up." Olivia says removing her hand from mine.
I look up and notice a cave that goes deep inside.
"This is where I go where I want to get my anger out." Olivia says moving close to the cave as her hands set on flames she pushes them towards the cave.
She yells at the top of her lungs. Olivias whole body sets on flames and the flames shoot all the way down towards the end of the cave.
I couldn't help but join her.
My flames start to sworn all around me.
I push my hands towards the cave as the flames take over me.
"Ahhhhh!!!" I shout as the flames push inside the cave.
I was angry.
I've been trying to hold my flames in but all I needed was to let them out.
They needed to be let out.
I felt tears form down my face.
Olivia grabs her hand in mine.
Our flames combined started to form blue flames shooting into the cave.
I felt more energy of my flames surrounding me.
"Say it." Olivia shouts.
"Say what?" I was starting to become confused and I started realizing that I didn't know how to put my flames out.
"Why did you stay here? You could've gone anywhere but you chose to stay in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Why?" Olivia asks holding on to my hand still.
"I don't know it was just a cottage me and Sophia found!" I needed to fix this I can't control my flames right now.
"You could've left at any time. Why did you stay?" She continues to ask these questions.
I just wanted to put out my flames.
"I don't know!!" I knew why though.
"Stop lying. Say the truth." Olivia says grabbing both of my hands.
"I- I stayed because of Sophia. If she ever knew the real reason why I never left it would destroy her." My flames start to calm down and slowly disappear into thin air.
"See we are the same, we would do anything for those we love." She says silently. I felt her hand lift my chin up, our eyes meet each other I couldn't look away. Her eyes were so hypnotizing. I could feel myself losing myself in her eyes.
I could feel her leaning in. I lean in towards her pressing my lips against hers.
I finally felt what it was like to kiss someone.
Maybe in just that moment we both felt complete. We could finally feel someone without hurting them.
It was possible that we both didn't love each other nor had feeling for one another but in the moment it felt right.
She jumps into my arms, I catch her in my arms holding her up against a tree.
I could feel the heat off her body push against mine, It felt warm.
She grabs her shirt pulling it off throwing it to the side of the grass.
I gently kiss the sides of her neck exploring every inch of it.
And in that moment our body's took control of us.
We both felt the sync of our body's moving together with the heat of ours together as one.
Maybe it was a night that shouldn't have happened but in the moment there were no regrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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