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       "Jacob!!" I scream for him as two lab people put cuffs around my arms.
Jacob wakes up quickly noticing they were taking me away.
"Hey! Let her go!!" Jacob shouts but two others rush in and try holding him down putting the cuffs on him but he backs them away with his flames.
"Let her go or I'll burn this place to the ground!" Jacob shouts as his whole body turns into flames.
The people start to back away from me and Jacob leaving the glass door open.
"Let's go now!!!" Jacob shouts as he touches the cuffs breaking them apart from the heat of his flames.
"Jacob I can't they put a needle in me." I say as I fall to the ground. 
"Snow on me now!" He bends down to me making sure everyone stood back.
I put my hand up towards him and burst snow onto him.
"Gosh darn that will always hurt! Come here." He turns around fast letting me hop onto his back. I wrap my arms around him as he starts to run fast out of here.
I turn around noticing them running after us.
I shoot ice spikes at them slowing them down.
"Jacob hurry!" I shout noticing he was starting to go on flames again.
He burst outside shocking the few people outside. The sun hit bright on our faces but he kept running.
I shoot more spikes at everyone else backing them away from us.
Jacob then stops at a brutal stop.
"Why are we stopping?!" I was confused I thought we were getting out of here.
"The whole place is surrounded with a deep fall. The whole place is literally a circle and the only way in or out is to our deaths." Jacob says looking down and looking at the other side of the woods.
I close my eyes and push my hand outwards towards the hole surrounding us.
A ice bridge starts to appear leading all the way towards the other side of the woods.
"Your so cool!" Jacob says excitedly as he starts to run across the bridge.
I look behind us and start to notice the bride was disappearing.
"Jacob run faster now!!! The bridge is disappearing!!" I shout holding on tight.
He looks behind us noticing it actually was disappearing. He began to run faster.
I start to become dizzy because of the needle that they had given me and I start to feel myself slowly letting go.
"Sophia hold on!!" He shouts running faster and grabbing onto my arms trying to keep them up.
"Jacob your burning me." I say with a low face as I close my eyes. Everything then went black.
A few minutes later
"Sophia please wake up we have to go." I hear Jacob say.
I wake up noticing something stinging on my arm.
It was a burnt spot from Jacob.
"It hurts." I say pointing at the burnt spot.
"I'm sorry but please get up we have to get out of here they are coming!" He says begging me to get up.
I notice that they were getting in one of the few helicopters.
"Yeah that's not happening." Jacob says standing up and shooting his flames directly at the helicopter. The people start to run away trying to put the flames out.
I quickly get up. "Let's go." I say to him.
We both rush through the woods filled with hundreds of trees.
I clutch onto my burnt spot. It was really hurting me.
After about 30 minutes of running I notice a little cottage filled with beautiful trees and plants around it. It even had a mini pond out in the front.
"Jacob look!" I say stopping and staring at it.
"Sophia we have to keep going." He says not bothered by it much.
"Jacob I can't my arm is hurting and it's only for tonight it's getting late. Please." I beg holding onto my arm tightly.
He looks down at me and he knew I was right.
"Just for tonight! And you stay behind me because I don't know if anyone is in there." He says going in front of me as he leads the way down to the cottage.
We finally reach the cottage and approach it.
"It's beautiful." I say looking down at the beautiful flowers.
"Yeah whatever." He was searching around to make sure no one was home.
"Let's go no ones home." He pushes open the door.
We both carefully walk in.
He flicks on the lights and the whole house builds up with light.
"Woah." I look around the room noticing how beautiful everything was.
He tosses a blanket at my face.
"We rest here tonight." He says pulling open the sofa.
"How come some things you can't burn?" I ask looking at him opening the bed.
"It depends on some things because it's not flames it's just me over heating them. But one thing I know for sure is that I could never touch another human because I will kill them." He says looking at me and turning away fixing the sofa bed again.
"You rest on here and I'll rest on the regular sofa." He gently moves away from the sofa bed and lays on the couch.
I look over at him and then carefully go into the sheets of the bed.
"Promise me that we will stick together? I know we just met but I trust you." I say holding onto the blanket tightly.
He takes a moment to respond to what I said. "I promise." He replies back.
I smile as we both drift off to sleep finally away from that awful cage that I was locked away in.
I was finally free.
I was free from the nightmare of a cage that reminded me that I was never good enough for anyone. That no one would ever or will ever accept me for me.
I was ready to prove everyone wrong.
I was ready to prove that I could be loved.
That I could be accepted for me.
That I wasn't something to be afraid of.
I was ready to show everyone me.

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