52 Seth Rollins (Part 2 for #27)

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"Good morning, boss! How was the wedding?" asked Gaby when I came into the office on Monday morning.

"Oh the wedding was wonderful. I can show you some photos later if you like." I said, but my mind immediately wandered back to the confrontation with Seth.

Part of me wanted to know what he was going to say to me and another part of me was proud that I had gotten it all off my chest. I shooed those thoughts away with a slight shake of my head. Enough other things were more important than that.

"Something's bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?" asked Gaby while looking intensely into my face. I sighed.

"Not now. I have a lot to do. But maybe we can talk about it over lunch," I said, because I knew she wouldn't leave me alone until she knew why I was so upset. At that moment the phone rang and she didn't get a chance to answer.

"Ruby Red Cosmetics. How may I help you?" I heard Gaby say as I continued walking.

I made my way to my office and got an overview of the things that were on my schedule today. But after only a few minutes I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called without lifting my eyes from the samples on my desk.

"Sorry to bother you, Y/N. But this was delivered for you." said Gaby as she placed a large bouquet of white roses on the desk in front of me.

"Wow. Who are they from?" I wanted to know as I looked at the beautiful flowers in front of me.

"I don't know. Maybe you have a secret admirer. Oh, there's a card tucked in there." replied Gabby excitedly.

I pulled the card out of the bouquet and began to read.

Y/N, since you didn't let me get a word in to apologize in person, I thought I'd try this way. I am sorry for the way I acted back then and I hope you can forgive me. 


Unbelievable. I couldn't believe that he sent me flowers after the scene at the wedding. Why was he suddenly so determined to apologize to me? After all, he had had six years to do so. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if his behavior back then was something I could ever forgive.

"So, who are they from?" asked Gaby.

"It's a long story, Gaby. Like I said earlier, we can talk about it over lunch. I want to get the other stuff done first. That's more important than this story right now." I sighed.

"Okay. I'm going back to work. Rick should be by in about an hour with the new online concept. Do you need anything until then?" said Gaby afterwards.

"No. I have everything I need. But thanks anyway," I replied and then went back to work myself. I didn't get far, though, because after only 20 minutes the phone rang.

"Yes, Gaby?" I asked as I answered it.

"Y/N, sorry to interrupt, but I have a gentleman on the phone who insists on speaking with you personally. His name is Mr. Rollins." she said.

"Are you kidding?" I asked, bewildered.

"No. Do you want me to get rid of him?" she wanted to know. I thought about it for a moment and realized that Seth would probably keep trying to reach me somehow. I really didn't have time for that, so I decided to get it over with and talk to him.

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