56 Adam Cole (Part 2 for #55)

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How did I get here? How could it have come to this? Again and again I asked myself this question, and yet I could not come up with an answer. I just stared into the mirror in one of the restrooms in the hospital and hardly recognized myself. I would give a lot not to be the man I saw in the mirror.

Slowly, I lowered my gaze to my hands that were tightly gripping the edge of the sink. My trembling hands were covered with blood. The blood of Y/N. Without noticing what I was doing, I turned on the water and let it flow over my stained hands. The red colored water slowly ran down the drain and with it the hope that everything would be as it was before.

I was still waiting for news from the doctors on how Y/N was doing. But every single minute, hell, every second felt like an hour. Over and over again the sound of the impact echoed in my head. It was the sound that tore my heart in two.

Slowly, I made my way back to the waiting area, but nothing had changed. The waiting continued. The horror in my head continued. Suddenly, the phone in my pocket rang. Hesitantly, I pulled it out and answered the call without looking to see who it was. It did not matter.

"Dude? Where are you guys? We have everything ready. The flowers, the balloons and the music. When can we expect you?" I heard Roddy ask on the other end of the line. Instead of answering, I burst into tears again. Deep and violent sobs shook my whole body.

"Adam, what's wrong? Are you okay? What happened? Where are you?" he asked, sounding panicked now. I took a deep breath and tried to explain to him what had happened.

"I... I'm at the hospital. Y/N... Y/N had an... accident. She was... she was hit by a car." I explained as best I could at the moment.

"Oh my god. How is she?" he wanted to know.

"I don't... I don't know. She's still in surgery." I said in a shaky voice.

"We're coming to you, Adam. Which hospital are you at?" he asked, and only now did it occur to me that I didn't even know.

"Actually... I have no idea. I'll send you which one when I know... okay" I replied and hung up without giving it a second thought. I was totally beside myself and yet my eyes started searching for the name of the hospital. It didn't take me long to find the name. I sent Roddy the name and then immediately got lost in thought again.

"Family of Y/N L/N?" a deep voice suddenly asked. I lifted my head and saw a doctor coming towards me.

"How is she?" I asked immediately as I jumped to my feet.

"She is now in the ICU. Ms. L/N suffered severe internal injuries and lost a lot of blood. We had to reanimate her twice. And I'll be completely honest with you, Sir. It doesn't look good. We are not sure if she will survive the night. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you," he explained calmly.

This could not be true. Y/N was not supposed to die. That was not possible. I covered my face with my hands and let my feelings run their course.

"Would you like to see her?" the doctor asked me unexpectedly.

"Yes, yes of course." I stammered.

He led me out of the waiting area and all the way to the ICU. Once there, he gave me a gown and asked me to put it on and put on shoe covers. Without a word I did what he said and then disinfected my hands before he took me to Y/N.

The sight that awaited me in that room was horrifying. Y/n was hard to recognize. What was visible of her was covered with bruises and cuts. She was hooked up to several machines that were quietly beeping away.

The doctor got a chair and put it by the bed so that I could sit close to her. Carefully, I took her left hand in mine and immediately felt how cold it was. I swallowed.

"I'll leave you alone. I know this is all very hard now, but considering Ms. L/N's condition, it's probably a good idea if you say goodbye to her. If her heart stops again there is nothing we can do for her. The damage is already too severe," the doctor said before leaving us alone.

I just stared at Y/N. While tears ran down my face. Guilt and regret ran through my body like a wildfire. I should be the one fighting for my life here. Not her.

All I wanted was to marry her and start a family with her. But in my attempt to prepare everything perfectly, I forgot what was most important.

I took the ring out of my pocket and stared at it and Y/N in turns. How different things might be now if I hadn't hesitated so long.

I leaned close to her and started to let out everything that was going through my mind.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. It's my fault. You can't leave me, you hear me? I need you like the air I breathe. I beg you, Y/N, come back to me. If you still have some strength left, then fight. Don't leave me. I love you. I want to marry you and I want to see with you how our children grow up. And then our grandchildren. And I know you want that too. You are strong and I know deep inside that you can do it. I love you so much," I whispered and pressed a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

Suddenly the beeps of the machines changed. The heart monitor, I think. They became slower and slower. Irregular. Just like my own heartbeat. It was only a second later that the sound I was most afraid of was heard. The continuous beeping of the heart monitor.

At that moment, it felt like my heart stopped as well. She had left and left me alone here in this world. Despair, anger and sadness gripped me with full force. The tears and the breaking of my heart echoed through the room.

Again I looked at the ring I still held in my hand and decided to put it on her finger as I was going to do tonight anyway. When it sat in its predetermined place I kissed it, as it had always been planned.

I rested my forehead against her cold hand, still hearing the continuous beeping that signaled not only Y/N's life had ended, but mine as well.

As I remained like that, I suddenly heard a sound that made my head jump up. The monitor showed a heartbeat. It was indeed a heartbeat. And it was getting stronger. 

The hand that I was still holding tightly squeezed my hand very gently and barely noticeable. That was a sign. A sign that we still had a second chance to get what we wanted in life more than anything else.

Published March 13, 2021

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