7: Tʜᴇ Pᴀsᴛ

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He got into the bed and let himself sink into the mattress. He quickly drifted off to sleep which is something that had come hard to him over the last few years.

But this was different.

For the first time in since he was four, Izuku felt safe.

Izuku's POV

Izuku woke up to the smell of bacon.

Wait what? Where am I?

Suddenly the memories of yesterday hit him like a bag of bricks.

Oh. Oh.

Izuku sat up in the bed letting out a slight groan as he looked at the clock next to him. It was 10:38am.
I actually slept? For that long! I can't believe it.

After about five minutes later, he threw on a hoodie so nobody could see his arms and he got out of bed and opened his door to see Yamada dancing to a song as he flipped bacon in the pan and Aizawa sat at the small oak table in the corner drinking what was probably coffee with his hair tied back in a loose bun.

"...zashi the kid is up."

"Ahh! Little listener! Please come take a seat at the table! I'm making bacon sandwiches! Hope that's okay!"

"uh-uh y-yeah t-thank y-you."


"Zashi! It's too early, be quiet."

"Yup! Sorry Sho!"

Izuku sat down at the table awkwardly unsure of what to say.

What do I do? They said they wanted to talk today? What does that mean? Oh god I almost forgot, Yamada is making food. What should I do?! I can't eat a lot yet! My stomach is still processing all the food from the Cat Cafe! Oh crap I feel awful. I shouldn't be so worried about what they think they'll probably be done with me by the end of the day.

Izuku let out a sigh and little to Izuku's knowledge Aizawa was just sitting there studying Izuku's actions.

"What's wrong, child, anything I can help with?"

"Ah! Uh.... no?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"


Aizawa sighed and Yamada came over with breakfast. Yamada then placed two large bacon sandwiches in front of Izuku.

"There you go! I know it's not a traditional breakfast but when I went to America they had these everywhere! Personally I love American food!! If you don't like it though I can make you something else!"

"N-no I-it's g-great thank you." He tried to give them a smile.

All three of them were eating in silence. It was very uncomfortable silence like they all had something to say but they were scared to talk.

After Izuku had gotten half way through his first sandwich he started to feel sick, when Aizawa spoke up.

"So...kid. All three of us need to have a talk about what is going to happen moving forward. We also need to have some other discussions which might be... hard for you. However, we need you to talk to us, got that problem child?"

"I- uh y-yeah."

"So why don't you start?"

"Start w-what?"

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